I'll be honest with you john i think i would be regarded as a heretic as i listen to music via ipod/arcam rdoc using extended stereo on the LX-71 (so i think my credibility would be questioned). I am fully aware that this is not how you should listen to music however i find it more emotionally engaging , punchy , energetic and dynamic listen. When i've tried stereo / direct / pure direct i find myself switching back to ext stereo i just prefer it and i think it sounds great so even if it's not kosher i don't really care. If i play a cd i use my 51FD using stereo as it engages PQLS which if fine but i tend to use the ipod/rdoc most of the time.This maybe down to the speakers i'm using. At one stage i was absolutely going to get an apollo rega but when it finally came down to the crunch i just didn't see the point as i am perfectly happy with the sound i'm hearing. I also know that if i really wanted the "best music sound" i need a separate music system and as much as i would like one i haven't got the room. I have listened to some really high end stuff at Bristol shows and various dealers and to me i have not heard anything to make me think it's that much better than what i listen to now so to me i'm happy. I am still considering getting a dedicated cd player but as i use the ipod/rdoc 95% of the time it doesn't seem worth it and i don't want to buy one and find i don't use it. This is why i suggested you start with the blu-ray first as it seems like you wanted to get one anyway if it's not enough you can always explore the other options to get the sound you desire.One last point i found this very useful when setting the amp up and did make a difference.
1) Set Reciever to MCAAC preset 1 (M1). Now Run Auto MCAAC with
mic in you listening position (I taped the mic to the top of a two foot
long shoe horn, and stuck the shoe horn inbetween the couch cushions,
so the mic is right where my ears are during listening).
2) Go into Manual Sp Setup and change the SP settings if neccessary(crossover to 100hz for me and speakers to small)
3) Now re-run Auto MCAAC but select custom, and then select Keep SP settings.
4) Now you have an Auto MCAAC calibration saved to M1 (....note: you
must select which preset you want Auto MCAAC to save calibration data to
before you enter the audio setup menu.) Now go into Data Management--------> Data Copy and copy M1's data to M2 and also to M3. Now you have carbon copies of this calibration in M1-M3.
5) Now go into Manual MCAAC--->EQ Professional------>Reverb Measurement and get a reading on the the frequency response characteristics of your room. Be sure to select EQ OFF(standing waves not controlled for via MCAAC fliters) in the Reverb Measurement menu because
you don't want the standing wave adjustements (EQ on) to be factored in
to the room reverb measurments. Also make sure you haven't moved the
6) After test tones are done, go into Manual MCAAC--->EQ Professional------>Reverb View ,
and you can analyze the frequency response of individual channels at
various frequencies. Based upon that data, you would select the
appropriate capture delay time for MCAAC to capture data during for the
upcoming EQ calibration.
Change that time frame under Manual MCAAC--->EQ Professional------>Advanced EQ Setup to whatever you decide is the appropriate capture delay time ....(Pioneer recommends 30-50 ms,
but they encourage you to analyze the data under reverb view first and
refer to the advanced MCAAc software manual for analysis purposes).
Note: the default capture delay time is than 80-160 ms.
7) Change to MCAAC preset 2 (M2) before you run the new advanced EQ calibration with the new capture time. Go under Manual MCAAC--->EQ Professional------>Advanced EQ Setup to
start the advanced EQ calibration, and MCAAC should make a more
accurate calibration since it will now capture sonic information sooner
after the speakers output sound, and get a read on what the frequency
response is of the speakers themselves, and not the speakers and all the
reverb which accumulates as time passes. (Default capture time is
80-160 ms and thus collects more reverb and less true speaker reading)
Now you should have an accurate calibration. Also, now you can easily
compare the Auto MCAAC EQ effects that are stored in M1 with the
advanced EQ effects in M2 while listening to content with a simple
button press on the remote. You could also juice the base a few db in
M3, and also compare running the base a bit hot to a flat calibration
that you have in M1 and M2.