bit of advice for my arcam setup?


New member
Mar 16, 2008
Hi, I recently changed my system around, now mainly vinyl orientated, using an alpha 8r and a slightly older 290p from the delta range, my deck is a rega p1 and its all coming out of mission 734's (clear cones). Im wondering whether to Bi amp with the high's coming off the 8R, or bi wire everything of the delta 290p. As far as im aware the 290p, although from a slightly older range is compatible, gain wise, to the 8R as i rmember seeing an example of an 8P and a 290 together in a pdf on their website, so i guess they have the same gain all round in those ranges. The only issue I have is that the alpha range used mosfets and has slightly less power... is this going to offset the high frequencies perhaps?
To my mind biamping will give a much bigger improvement than biwiring. I biamp my Arcam kit and the difference before and after was very noticeable.


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