Big revamp advice please!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Dear all.It's time to replace some faithful,but ageing kit at semi reasonable prices! Wonder what you think of my ideas:- The kit to replace is as follows- Cambridge Audio Azur 640c V1 cd player with Marantz CD6003,Acoustic Energy 109 floorstanders with Wharfedale 10.1 speakers (stands to be decided).Am using a Sony STR-DA2400ES amp,and Wharfedale SW150 sub,both of which I am pleased with,using Cable Talk 3.1 bi-wire.The sound at the moment is fairly substantial,but I think it lacks finesse.I know it's not anywhere near world-class,but would appreciate your input if you think my replacement ideas could be wide of the mark! PS,thank u WHF for printing one of my forum questions in the mag this month....fame at last!
If you are looking for finesse think about adding a Musical Fidelity V-DAC to your 640C V1 and keeping the 640C as the transport. The V-DAC is a wonderful piece of kit and a bargain at £150. It brings a great taste of high end sound to the budget arena.

Your speaker suggestion is spot on but I'd think about upgrading the Cable Talk to Chord Company Carnival Silverscreen and would highly recommend Atacama Nexus 6 stands.

It's 129.00 my friend which is obviously a very good price although I have never heard it. I noticed you are using an AV amp in your setup and would think this needs to be addressed first and foremost. If the amp has pre outs on it, you might like to think about buying a stereo amp?
vinod_david:Very good price agreed, but will it improve further adding v-dac to 640c v2 ?

I think its something you would have to try first. The OP is specifically looking for more finesse and the V-DAC will certainly give much more of this than the Cambridge's built-in DAC.

Regarding the comments on the amp, the 2400ES is a VERY musical AV amp and certainly as good as any budget £200-£300 stereo integrated for music with the right source and speakers.


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