Best small speakers (max height 25cm)?


New member
Jan 11, 2009
:quest: I've picked up a second hand Arcam AVR350 (to replace my Solo Music) and will now partner this with my Arcam BDP-100 Bluray and have added an Arcam rDac between the amp and Apple TV. Next upgrade is too replace my Arcam Muso speakers. The big problem is there is only room for speakers 25cm max in height as the top shelf of the hifi stand they are going in has these dimentions H25.5 x W 108.5cm x D 42.5cm. I've been recommend Rega RS1 H 32.0cm x W 15.0cm x D 23.6cm and PMC DB1S+ are H 29.0cm x W 15.5cm x D 23.4cm (+0.6cm for grills) but they are too tall unless I lay them on their side (is this bad?). Are there any other speakers of the right size that I should also add to my demo list? I like acoustic music and the style of The Script, Keaton Simons, Bombay Bicycle Club, Stornoway, Two Door Cinema Club. Many thanks, Stuart


New member
Nov 13, 2011
I've got a set of PSB imagine minis in my bedroom, they are very good and easy to drive - they also get great reviews. They come in at about 24cms.


Hi stuartayling,

Don't know, if you ever heard about finnish Aurelia speakers.They just released a new small pair named Aniara.Heard them at HifiExpo 2012 (in finland).Sounded great.They are not cheap (590 euros pair).Take a look


New member
Jan 18, 2012
+1 on the Q Acoustics 2010i,

great sound, lots of detail, small, nice looking, not very expensive and well build.


New member
Aug 21, 2009
stuartayling said:
:quest: I've picked up a second hand Arcam AVR350 (to replace my Solo Music)

I used to own one of these, and i always felt it was a great sounding piece of kit, with both HT and music.

I would also back the Neat Iotas......Kef and PMC work great, but you haven't enough room.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
Thanks everyone. I'm going to try and demo the Neat Iota as that looks a great place to start. I used to have Dali Lektor 2 and really enjoyed them but the Dali Mentor Menuets are too expensive unless I find an amazing bargain! Has anyone else heard the PSB imagine mini? I'm still open to other ideas too so keep the recommendations coming please :)


New member
Jan 18, 2008
Harbeth make a lovely mini monitor. Expensive but you may be able to find one used at a dealer. Nearly bought them back in the nineties. Amphion is another manufacturer that regularely seems to win group tests. - You may want to budget in a subwoofer too.



New member
Dec 10, 2012
I can certainly share the above recommendations for Neat Iota's. I heard them at the Bristol show this year and found them among the most impressive speakers regardless of size; full of detail, excellent timing and just musical. You'd obviously need to demo though to make sure the balance suits your amp and sources.

My only concern would be putting them INSIDE an AV rack. This might muffle and compress the sound in the same way that it would affect our voices if we were shut in a cupboard (not thinking of doing that any time soon).

However, the Neats are so tiny, they would happily suit wall mounting without drawing undue visual attention to themselves.


New member
Nov 11, 2007
I have a pair of ALR Jordan Classic 1 which are less than 25cm height. Great little speakers.

Although, if you are going to stick speakers in a rack, you might as well put them on their side. Is there any chance you can put speakers on stands?


New member
Jan 11, 2009
While searching for a good deal on the Neat Iota or the Dali Mentor Menuet I've been offered a very good deal on either if I buy a Naim UnitiQute at the same time (now that's what I call a catch!), but it has got me thinking what I do most with my current system which is stereo music and films at night when I can't play it load as it might wake my kids or neighbours. I also stream music from my iPhone and Apple TV. So it's got me thinking is it better to get the UnitiQute and either of the speakers I just mentioned and stick to higher quality stereo or stay with my Arcam AVR350 and put the money into upgrading my 5 Arcam Muso speakers? Again I've never heard the UnitiQute so I'd need to find a demo oppourutunity but I just thought I'd ask what the signature sound of the Naim UnitiQute is like compared to what I'm used to with the Arcam? Also which of the speaker choices would cope better with being in a wooden hifi cabinet which would surround the speakers apart from the front of them? Many thanks, Stuart


New member
May 2, 2010
Functionally. Does the Unitiqute offer you anything you don't have but want ?

amp wise I'd have though you're better off staying with what you have. Naim may be good but VFM they don't impress. Rather than looking into changing all 5 speakers why not put your cash into the best stereo speakers you can.

Im now of opinion that high quality 2.1 beats so so 5.1 for films.

Im sure you'll get different views.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
I'd second the previous poster on good stereo being better than average surround sound.

It's going off at a tangent slightly, but have you considered a good pair of headphones instead? You say you listen a lot later on when you have to keep the volume down because of the kids / neighbours. You are also housing your speakers in the cabinet itself, no doubt for domestic harmony. Both real world issues, so not knocking it at all, you are having to compromise.

Not if you get some good headphones though; a nice pair of top of the (sensible) range Sennheiser 650's, maybe with a separate headphone amp, and you can blast it out to your hearts content and know you are getting the best sound quality possible.

Just a thought though. If not, Iota's!

Al ears

Well-known member
Personally, and if you have the space, I don't see why you cannot use taller speakers on their sides (a la Neats)

There is no cast-iron law that says you have to use them in a vertical orientation.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
I was wondering about that too the Top shelf: H25.5cm x W108.5cm x D42.5cm, which is wood on all sides apart from the front which is open


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