Best Buys Updated......

Dennis Michos

Well-known member
Jun 24, 2008
Is the HD ready Panasonic PT-AX200E better than the Full HD Sanyo PLV-Z700?
Why isn't the Sanyo to be the Best Buy Projector under 1000 GBP?

Same for Panasonic PT-AE3000 and the Infocus IN80. OK in this case there is a 400 GBP difference but is the IN81 superior to the Panasonic PT-AE3000 or maybe the difference between the two does not worth the extra 400?

Good spot on the Sanyo, Dennis. It did indeed beat the Panasonic PT-AX200E in our April 09 Group Test, so is the Best Buy under £1000. I will amend accordingly.
I'm told we reviewed the Panasonic in one of our Ultimate Guides, but as yet haven't compared it in a group test against the InFocus models.
OK thanks
So in order for a product to get the 'Best Buy' tag needs to win a group test first?
Are there any news for new projectors from Infocus, Sony, Epson etc for later this year?


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