Best budget system for a newbie.


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi all, I decided last night that I want to make the switch to analogue, as digital just isn't doing it for me anymore. My dad has a beast of a system including two massive wheelie bin sized speaker cabs and it just sounds infinitely better than anything the digital market can provide. I'm on a students budget, so anywhere in the £400 region would be great and I'm looking for the absolute cream of the budget crop. I don't need a CD unit as vinyl is the priority for now, and I can add-in a CD unit at some point in the future. I listen to metal mainly, so the rig must be able to properly reproduce that sound. Also, I'm in the UK, so things are a lot pricier than in the USA. I'm a complete newbie, so I don't even know the cables and accessories I'll need, so if you could suggest those too, that's be a massive help. (I can spend about £25 extra on cables maybe)
Thanks in advance for your help.


Well for vinyl, I'd really recommend the Project Debut III

Are any of the richer sounds stores that have them near you?

Some other guys will come in with amp and speaker recommendations in time but I thought I'd start things off. :)


I've been looking at these, but apparently they sound a bit rubbish. I don't mind buying second hand if it means getting better sounding gear.


I've been looking at these, but apparently they sound a bit rubbish. I don't mind buying second hand if it means getting better sounding gear.


I've been looking at these, but apparently they sound a bit rubbish. I don't mind buying second hand if it means getting better sounding gear.


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Sep 29, 2011
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Don't understand why you are so quick to rubbish digital music .. perhaps the source material is of lower bit-rate quality? What are you using? Unless you are prepared to trawl for second hand bargains then it might be a bit tricky to get the sound you are after all in for £400. I think you might want to take a look at a pair of small active speakers and use a digital source, but with better source material. Have a look at these and see what you think. BTW the price is around £350 these days.

PS Don't understand your comment about £ and $ ... this is a mainly UK based forum.

PPS Don't let me put you off going after a turntable if that's what you really want :)


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Feb 8, 2008
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Zomboir said:
Hi all, I decided last night that I want to make the switch to analogue, as digital just isn't doing it for me anymore. My dad has a beast of a system including two massive wheelie bin sized speaker cabs and it just sounds infinitely better than anything the digital market can provide. I'm on a students budget, so anywhere in the £400 region would be great and I'm looking for the absolute cream of the budget crop. I don't need a CD unit as vinyl is the priority for now, and I can add-in a CD unit at some point in the future. I listen to metal mainly, so the rig must be able to properly reproduce that sound. Also, I'm in the UK, so things are a lot pricier than in the USA. I'm a complete newbie, so I don't even know the cables and accessories I'll need, so if you could suggest those too, that's be a massive help. (I can spend about £25 extra on cables maybe)
Thanks in advance for your help.

I think you might be getting a bit confused, or misunderstand the concept of digital in hifi terms. Speakers are not digital and the only remaining true analogue source of any merit, is the turntable. The quality of any sound reproduction is down to many factors, but the quality of the hifi components is highly important, even more so, is the music recording quality, which includes the type and amount of compression used to create mp3 or lossless audio files.

Assuming identical mastering, there is no reason why a digital recording would sound any worse than vinyl. I suspect you might be doing something wrong somewhere. I also suspect that you have probably not tried anywhere near everything the digital market can provide.


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