Best budget CD/SACD transport?


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2007
I want a budget CD/SACD transport + external DAC setup.

DAC is sorted, but can't decide on best options for transport. (Needs to have coax-out.)

Considering a Denon DVD 1930 from fleaBay or a new Sony BDP-S380.

Suspect that the Denon will actually be a better quality transport? :?

Any thoughts or alternative suggestions?

Ta :)


New member
May 6, 2005

I just tried something similar with a BDP-S370 blu-ray player running into a dac (admittedly an old one) and I felt it was very slightly better on cd than my old DR6000 cd recorder running into the same DAC. It was extremely slight though and I didn't think that it was worth leaving in the system.

Also I don't believe that there are many DACs, if any, that will take a DSD output anyway. In fact, doesn't the SACD output get converted to PCM when using the digital out on the player?

I wanted to try SACD and also have a cd player that was a little closer to the quality of my record deck so I've bought an older SACD player and will try it when it gets here.

IMHO I would try the Denon or buy a dedicated SACD player (if thats what you are after) but as I said I don't think that DSD is output from spdif / optical anyway, only hdmi so if you are using SACD's I don't think the DAC will be much good (unless I have it wrong!)


Good luck



the record spot

Yip, there isn't an external DAC on the market that'll handle SACD. The Musical Fidelity DAC from about ten years back (the long tube shaped one) could do HDCD, but that's the only one I can remember. If you want that, go down the dedicated SACD player route - there are several and you'll find the current Sony Blu-ray player designs have them (not including the new entry-level one however, but form the S380 upwards).

In terms of better transport, I'd suggest going for the Denon - if only as I found the S370 (which I used to have) a little too clunky and the lack of direct track access from the remote a minor gripe.


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
Depends on what you consider 'budget' to be.

Some options are OPPO DV-981HD on the cheaper side, to Arcam DV137/139 on the more expensive side.

the record spot

I suppose, given as the OP mentioned two players that are at the lower budget end of the scale, that's the end the OP's looking at...!

the record spot

Your typical standalone external DAC can't - licencing issues with Sony I think. You can pass the signal through an AV amp, but that's it. Even that can be tricky through set-up menus, etc, etc. You're down to the player alone really, but that can be very good of course!


New member
Oct 5, 2010
I know some players (like OPPO) can covert DSD signals in SACD to PCM and then send it out throught hdmi cable to your AV system. However converting DSD to PCM will degrade the SQ especially its dynamics. I don't think there is any player in the market that can output DSD signals to external DACs in digital format. If you need to play SACDs you need to buy a CD/SACD player or an universal palyer. For me I am using OPPO 83 Nuforce Editional (with DIY master clock, opams and decoupling capacitors changed in the 2 channel system). You may wish to know that 75% of my albums are SACDs.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2010
Inter_Voice said:
You may wish to know that 75% of my albums are SACDs.

Wow, you must be quite lucky with your taste in music. I only own one Nine Inch Nails SACD that I dont really like that much, cant find anything else to my taste!


New member
May 6, 2005

I just had a look in the S380 manual and you can output DSD signals but only through the HDMI port. It cannot do it through the spdif or optical. You can also output SACD as PCM though the hdmi port. This is from the manual.

[On]: Outputs DSD signals from the HDMI

OUT jack when playing a Super Audio CD.

When [On] is selected, no signal is output

from other jacks.

[Off]: Outputs PCM signals from the HDMI

OUT jack when playing a Super Audio CD.

So I don't think you can accomplish what you want by using a DAC with SACD

Kind Regards


the record spot

Yes, the only way to get SACD is either via a dedicated stereo player, or a DVD/Blu-ray player that handles the format. HDMI will give multichannel SACD but it can be a tricky process. I know Noel Keywood had a fiddly job getting some AV amps to decode the signal during his reviews while others gave true DSD without making it clear in their own manuals!


New member
Oct 5, 2010
Paul Hobbs said:
Inter_Voice said:
You may wish to know that 75% of my albums are SACDs.

Wow, you must be quite lucky with your taste in music. I only own one Nine Inch Nails SACD that I dont really like that much, cant find anything else to my taste!

Well, I listen to Jazz, Vocals, acoustics, blues and classical but not Pop music. I will buy SACDs as far as possible, or I will choose HDCD format (the production is even less than SACDs). I only listen to 2 channels and not surrounds that I don't have.

My ears tell me that SACD produces much much better sound quality than normal CDs :)


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2011
I bought the Sony SCD-XE597 player about 18 months ago. So far so good. It has a nice clean sound. I only have around 10-12 SACD's, but do enjoy the 5.1 versions of music - War of the Worlds, Elton John, Depeche Mode. It was around £150 at the time I think.

As my footer shows most of my music is via ALAC, but i do enjoy the occassional SACD when a glass of red is handy!

Hope this helps.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2007
TnA200 said:
Just to follow up... what did you end up buying? Curious.


I abandoned the idea when I realised that my DAC, an rDAC, doesn't support DSD, which is a thumping great oversight on Arcam's part IMO :roll:

Thanks for asking, though :)


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