simoncar:get what RON a 760 just to compare.
Tell us YOUR opinion i am thinking of getting a 760 or 370 for bedroom,thanks.
The BDP-S760 arrived today and I spent the last hour analysing this player against my BDP-S370 and based on my eyes and ears, these are my brief findings.
Picture Quality
The S-370 has a better colour palette and is sharper with better clarity. This is not immediately evident and it took me a while to detect this with a variety of blu-rays with my favourite scenes. Motion was also better with the S370.
Sound Quality
Bigger differences here. The S760 sounded thin and insubstantial compared to the S370.
Build Quality
Hands down, the S760. The S370 is a biscuit tin. The S760 is actually a rather beautiful machine. The WLAN is also nice.
Which would I have?
The S-370. Besides a better picture and sound quality, it also has so much more to offer in terms of functionality. It is also much faster to load and will accept even VCD's, besides also SACD's.
So, off to E-Bay goes the S760!