BD Players & BD PQ


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Been reading elsewhere reviews of both the Sony PS3 slim and S760. In terms of playback of BD 1080p/24, it suggests (if I'm reading it right), following extensive testing using the Spears & Munsil Blu-ray benchmark test disc, that there's no difference in PQ between the slim and pretty much every other BD player except for the S760, which has the HD Reality Enhancer.

Now I have 2 standalone Panny BD players aswell as a fat PS3 and I used to think there was a definate improvement in BD PQ from the Panny's compared to the PS3 but I'm no expert. However, if all BD players play 1080p/24 flawlessly, purely in terms of PQ, why is there any point in paying say £700 for a mid to high end BD player when you can get say, a Sony S360 for £100?

Is this another situation where we're getting duped along the same lines as the expensive HDMI cables argument? Or is there a genuine difference in PQ?

I tend to think there is a difference but I'd be interested to hear the views of those more knowledgeable on this forum.
In our experience although there's not humungous difference between the PS3 and other (good) similar-priced players in terms of static picture quality, it's motion that you find the most noticeable difference; in side-by-side comparative testing with the same scene, the PS3 doesn't have quite the slickness of the best dedicated players.

But then those players aren't much cop at playing games - and very few can handle media streaming; offer storage etc etc. The PS3 remains a stunning all-rounder that may suit many homes as best bet.

Move up to the likes of the Sony '760 and not only will you benefit from better picture quality (more apparant the larger/ better-quality your display), but a noticeable sonic improvement, too (again, especially if you have the kit to do it justice).

Notice the caveats: as with anything hi-fi/AV, system-matching is key - very little point moving up the ranks of Blu-ray players if you don't have the screen/projector/sound system to do them justice.
Thanks for the advice Claire.

I wonder at what point in screen size are the more expensive players worthwhile in terms of picture quality? Is it more worthwhile with the bigger sets and maybe not so much on maybe 40" and below, (assuming they're being viewed at recommended distances?).
As I said, the quality of the set is relevant, as well as the size - a highly capable 40in set will showcase a talented player more than a budget screen.

You'll notice on every TV Group & Supertest we do (as well as First Tests, plus Best Buys here) that we suggest partnering kit of the appropriate level.
So what would I do?

I currently have a 37in Panasonic Plasma TV and I am looking at upgrading to Blu-ray but like a lot of people I can't decide between a PS3 or a dedicated Blu-Ray player. I have about 250-300 pounds to spend so that falls into the category of a PS3 or a medium range Blu-Ray player and the Panasonic BDP85 looks like it would fit the bill nicely (hopefully WHF will be doing a test soon?)

I do a bit of gaming as I have an Xbox 360 so the only advantage I would get out of a PS3 is the games I can't play on the 360 which the only ones that interest me are Heavy Rain and Uncharted 2.

Is this enough to buy a PS3? I don't know?
To the OP: what TV set do you have?

I paired my PS3 with a Panny 50X10 and I can tell you the results are great. Saw "Ratatouille" last night - phenomenal PQ, fluid motion. (And yes, I do play occassionally...). From my understanding, the main difference between BD players is the audio options. In my opinion, for PQ alone it does not pay to spend 700 pounds.
id buy a sony bdps360 , ive got one and its perfect , ive had a ps3 and that was perfect for bluray too , but if you dont need the gaming aspect of it , why spend over £100 more ?? or £200 more on more expensive players that will also have "perfect" bluray playback ...
maxflinn:id buy a sony bdps360 , ive got one and its perfect , ive had a ps3 and that was perfect for bluray too , but if you dont need the gaming aspect of it , why spend over £100 more ?? or £200 more on more expensive players that will also have "perfect" bluray playback ...

What about HD Audio would I be better getting a player that supports Multichannel Analogue Output as my amp will not take audio over HDMI?
Sorry to wonder a bit of topic, is it still the case the current blu ray players won't work with the new 3D amplifiers for the sound?

Will this also always be the case?

What? Where did you hear that? The only difference in the new amps is they will pass 3D video, whereas current models won't. That hasn't got anything to do with the sound.
the_lhc:What? Where did you hear that? The only difference in the new amps is they will pass 3D video, whereas current models won't. That hasn't got anything to do with the sound.

I thought it was discussed on here as common knowledge, so you are saying its the picture you won't get not the sound? now i am totally confused if you have a 3D blu ray player, with a non 3D amp, you won't be able to get the picture, is that right? but without the amp you will get the picture though?

Excuse me if i am being a bit thick here.

gel:the_lhc:What? Where did you hear that? The only difference in the new amps is they will pass 3D video, whereas current models won't. That hasn't got anything to do with the sound.
I thought it was discussed on here as common knowledge, so you are saying its the picture you won't get not the sound?

Well, think about it, what is it about 3D that's changing, the picture or the sound? It's the picture, so the audio is exactly the same.

now i am totally confused if you have a 3D blu ray player, with a non 3D amp, you won't be able to get the picture, is that right?


but without the amp you will get the picture though?

Yes, provided you have a 3D TV of course.

Excuse me if i am being a bit thick here.

Trying to be a bit more succinct, what the other forum/reviewer was suggesting was, that there is no difference in PQ between all BD players since they all play back BD flawlessly/perfectly.

So unless you want more features, better sound quality, better build/looks, why would you look any further than the £100 BD players? I raise this question to listen to both sides of the argument.
BTW, thanks Clare for your comments, I haven't overlooked them.
Well, I for one, have not noted a difference in blu-ray performance between the PS3, the Panasonic BD60 & Denon 2500BT although I must admit that I haven't compared the panning shots closely enough to notice a difference.
I've had about four or five BD players now (including the PS3) and there's nothing between them visually in any meaningful way when pulling 1080/24p images off of a disc. Make of that what you will.
Well iv had 3 blu ray players, ps3 great picture, Panasonic BD30 slightly sharper picture then the PS3, now I have a DENON 2500BT and I have to say there is a difference in this machine, colour is more natural, a really sharper picture over the BD30, plus the sound is well, I can not compare it really as the PS3 sounds a slightly bit grainy.

I think really it's down the individual.

I bet the what Hifi crew hate you lot on this forum, as they say there's massive differences in HDMI cables to blu ray players etc, and most of you say you can not tell the difference, "Classic"
We certainly don't 'hate' anyone who's sensible enough to - as we urge - try out products and technologies before they make a final purchase decision!

To distill down what I said earlier in this thread, there are two major considerations here re BD picture quality - whether a player handles motion as well as it does still images, and whether it's a good system-match for the rest of your set-up.

The fact that you can get excellent performance from something as affordable as a Sony BDP-S360 - or such all-round performance from a PS3 - is something we all should celebrate
Hi Clare,

Sorry, wrong choice of words "hate", but like you say the PS3 is a great all rounder and if someone finds no improvement in more expensive players then that's a win in my book.


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