drrockwell:Just got my "old" 990's out after some conciderable years of inn-use. replaced the ear cushions but they dont sound nowhere near as i remembered them, the bass seems to have "gone"?? they where never over used or abused ?? do they deteriorate? should i contact bayerdynamic? they are some 22 yrs old?
Hey drrockwell... I've got a pair of old 990's too... and just thinking about it, they're 1988 vintage so are also 22 years old! Like yours, they haven't seen much use in recent years, and my ear cushions needed replacing some years ago too. But they're still sounding fantastic even against my 4 year old Stax 404 electrostatic 'phones... a different presentation yes, but still every bit as enjoyable to listen to as when I bought them and (trying them again right now) certainly no lack or change to the bass performance that I can tell. It might be worth a call to Beyer to see if yours might be worth fixing, but as I recall, they only cost about £90 (although a reasonable sum back then in 1988!) - even if parts are still available, they may not be cost effective to repair unless you have sentimental reasons for hanging on to them. But good luck anyway... I still love mine to bits and even though I don't use them very much at all anymore, like favourite old vinyl and early CD's, they rekindle fond memories of music I discovered back then.