gosh, when i said I was a novice i was understating things. now all connected thanks to excessive patience on part of all your support.
i listened ( requires no expertise) to rx6 and rx8 and silver 8i. i thought the 8i better/more musical than the rx6 and just teensey bit less good than rx8-i didnt think there was much between them-the rx8 were certainley more controlled/contained and less open than 8i. for £350 the 8i is brill value. i was surprised that my B&W dm602 s3 had a better soundstage and better/more open and real vocals than all of them-but i can never get rid of there brightness. i like the bass on the 8i much more than my b&w-which i think I'll keep.
sorry it took me so long to figure things out. next stop sub-where i could power my old b&w speakers or power/pre-amp. thanks again
kit - marantz cd 67mk11 SE, Monitor audio silver 8i, b&w dm 602 s3, nad c370, wireworld oasis 5, fujitsu 42in plasma.
reading all these postings back reminds me of trying to explain something technical to the missus and all the repeating and eyes glazing over - i have become a missus.