Back Light Settings


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Sep 14, 2007
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I read Douglas9's post from a year ago and wondered if anyone had any further information on the correct setting for an LCD back light?

I previously set up my Plasma screens using the trusty THX set up in the 'Finding Nemo' DVD and confidently approached my wife's new 32" Samsung with the idea of rattling through the set up in no time. However, I've not come across a back light before and reading the instrruction manual doesn't seem to help.

I set the back light to about 50% and adjusted the TV based on that, but I can't help but wonder if there is a better way of doing it.

How about it, Experts, how do you set up the back light on LCD screens?


Hi i have a Samsung 32 inch lcd and i set mine with the DVE (Digital Video Essentials) HD Basics calibration disc. My backlight is set to setting 6 (just over 50 percent), setting 5 is normal but i found using the DVE Disc setting 5 was just a bit to dark in places. The ideal setting is not to have it on at all (LCD will last longer and saves on power). It really depends on lighting, Day and night viewing ect so for me setting 6 i found suited best for all viewing. Going back to not having it on at all you will find that Brightness will be much higher and contrast to the 100 mark (which is not good as you will be pushing the lcd). I found that turning off all those digital settings helped and the contrast set to 80, brightness is 45, colour 47, sharpness 50, don't touch the tint ect i found i get a very good picture.


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Aug 27, 2008
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Backlight and brightness settings go hand in hand

Personally I use this static screen to set up black levels ~

Basically, you need to see ALL the squares. if you dont, itys not set correctly. Also, dont have the settings TOO high else blacks become grey

I also set contrast using this ~

Same principle, see all the squares, if you set too high all the whites will fade into one