B&W 800d amps - Cyrus monos or what?...

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Thanks all for the amazing response, really appreciate it, especially for this time of year.

I actually live in Auckland, New Zealand. I moved out here about ten years ago and never looked back! Problem is that there isn't much choice for fine hifi here, and of what there is it it priced rediculously high. The only choice is to import but that means buying and then listening; cart before horse but no real option.

It does mean though that I typically won't lose out if I buy and sell, but the wife does get a bit miffed...

The amps suggested are great but are pretty much a far away dream except for the Classe's, which may be the best/safest way to go. I think a decent pre-amp is needed too, but that's another dilemma.

Here's another one then, if I did sell the lot, what would be the top choice speaker/amp/pre-amp mix with approx £15k to spend (and I'm happy to buy used). I do like the 800d though (albeit a bit bright), so would be really interested to know what can better them.

Thanks guys.
There are so many great amp and speaker choices you could have for £15k for a large room for mainly rock and pop with some jazz and classical.

Modern horns

Classic, huge, high efficiency speakers

Semi high efficiency convetional well executed modern speakers

Top of the range Japanese high end classics

Amplification will depend on speakers and vice versa.

For 100 db efficient speakers a good 45 SET

For 96 db efficient speakers a good 300b SET

If all your sources have relatively high output try a resistor based passive pre-amp. LDR or Shinkoh stepped attenuator

For lower efficiency speakers a battleship solid state amp. Loads of Japanese an US models to chose from as well as Perreaux from New Zealand
Contact the seller of these:


and arrange to go round for a listening seesion. Ideally take your amp and speakers (easier said than done with those big B&W's). If you really like them, you can buy them. But haggle hard.
Here are a couple of suggestions based (in part) on my experience:

If you want to stick with the 800Ds ...

... I’m surprised no-one’s mentioned Devialet. The Devialet 200 gives you a complete package (streaming, phono stage, DAC and integrated amp) which will drive the 800Ds very well. The speakers will benefit from Devialet’s SAM technology, which will give the 800Ds huge bass extension. If at a later date you felt the need, you could add a 200 ‘Companion’ amp and go dual mono. I haven’t heard the 200 with the 800Ds, but I have heard it driving the 805Ds, and the SAM effect was very positive.

Alternatively, one of the most capable power amps around is the Sanders Magtech. It delivers 500WPC, and thanks to its 20 output transformers it cannot be stressed by even the most difficult speaker loads. Sanders offers a one-month sale-or-return deal worldwide.

If you want to try other speakers ...

... do try some panels. They do things that normal electrodynamic speakers simply can’t do. I think hybrid electrostatics offer the best set of compromises, e.g. the Martin Logan Montis or the Sanders Model 10d. (I have the former.) Both are easy to accommodate in a living room (unlike Quads or the big Maggies) and have electrodynamic woofers driven by built-in active amps/crossovers. To hear the panels at their best you really need an amp like the Magtech (see above).



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