B&W 685s & Atacama Nexus 6 stands


New member
Sep 6, 2007
Does anyone have the combo above; if so how are the speakers on the stands (i.e. are they stable enough and have you mass-loaded the stands with Atabites or similar)? Reason I ask is that I'm getting some 685's tomorrow for the dining room (Arcam Alpha 9 amp and CDP being dusted off as we speak [😉] but unsure of whether to go for 2nd hand Atacama Nexus 6 stands and mass load them with Atabites or go for some Partington Super Dreadnoughts or the Atacama HMS1's etc... Cheers
Why not just use play sand from tesco, its like £3.00 a bag?

Make sure its dry though.
Having used Nexus 6 stands until last week and replacing them with super dreadnaughts I can only tell you that the Partington's are in a different league. I enjoyed the Atacama's but was not ready for the incredible difference that the upgrade made in control, detail, soundstage etc.
gwynne61:Having used Nexus 6 stands until last week and replacing them with super dreadnaughts I can only tell you that the Partington's are in a different league. I enjoyed the Atacama's but was not ready for the incredible difference that the upgrade made in control, detail, soundstage etc.

Hmmm... I'm thinking that this could be the case as well.

I'm going to have a listen to the Necus 6's with the 685's tomorrow and I'll mass load them as well to see what difference it makes. If not a lot I may see if I can demo a pair of the HMS1's as a side by side comparison and see how I go.

Issue with the Dreadnoughts is that there's no where near to me that have them in to demo!
I use the Nexus 6 stands with my 685s and found that mass loading with Atabites till about 3/4s full made them sound their best (though of course I'm sure the amount required will depend on the environment - I'm using them on a wood floor with atacama spike shoes).

Can't comment on the other stands as have not tried them I'm afraid.
The partingtons would make them sound at their best. Remeber they are one of the best around for standmounters...

How you finding your cyrus kit dan?
Update... Partingtons ordered today so will be with me tomorrow and the Nexus 6's will go on the Bay

The Cyrus/B&W set-up is lush Potboyslim

Still sounds very, VERY new but it's running in as we speak. The CDP was on constant playback overnight as per the Cyrus guidelines. The Chord speaker cable is superb; no brightness at all and the CM5's are brilliant.

The HMS2 stands have done a very good job as the bass is taut and detailed with plenty of welly. There isnt as much bass as I had with the M/A RX6's but that's to be expected; plus the CM5's in gloss black are gorgeous
Well the Partingtons have arrived and wow, what a difference!

The Atacama's are good stands but the difference is night & day now the 685's are on Partingtons

Been working in the dining room all day haha
gwynne61:Having used Nexus 6 stands until last week and replacing them with super dreadnaughts I can only tell you that the Partington's are in a different league. I enjoyed the Atacama's but was not ready for the incredible difference that the upgrade made in control, detail, soundstage etc.

Told you!
Well I've had both before but couldnt decide whether to spend the money on Partingtons when I've already got good stands
It's surprising how much difference the stands can make. I bought my matching SA1 stands with a sense of trepidation but the improvement was big. Makes goofing around with some cables seem silly!

The nice thing with standmounters over floorstanders is that you can level them to your floor and then just move the speaker to experiment with toe-in; much easier for those of us with dodgy floors!

The nice thing with standmounters over floorstanders is that you can level them to your floor and then just move the speaker to experiment with toe-in; much easier for those of us with dodgy floors!


Placing the 685's was so much easier than my RX6's; same with the B&W CM5's!

I've got the CM5's toed in just nicely and it's a more transparent, agile sound over the RX6's. The bass is starting to smooth out now and sounding very punchy

The 685's have surprised me again at how good they really are! I've had the Cyrus CDP paired with the Arcam amp in the dining room today and the sound is so agile. I'm half tempted to see if I can get a 2nd hand Cyrus 6 CDP via eBay and have that plugged in as well as the Alpha 9 as both CDP's suit different music IMO
Dan, how are you getting on with the new cyrus gear? How about a full review and some pics?

I really like the CM series from B&W. They're actually the only B&W speakers I really like. I don't think they get enough good press. Excellent VFM IMO.

Hi Jax

Full review will come in the 1st week in August as I'm too busy this week and away next week (up to Scotland to watch some of the Highland Games events and I'm also competing in 2 games myself; novice games though

It'll be a while till I get pics sorted as well as a stood on my digi-cam last week and TBH not ready to fork out for another too soon as we hardly used it!
It would be good to hear a review...I heard your Cyrus gear with some Spendor 6's the other day and it sounded sublime.......but £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££
Well the initial review is WOW... The soundstage is sublime as is the quality of bass and midrange the system has; no brightness in the treble at all which is great

Obviously after having quite a powerful set-up in the M/A RX6's, NAD C355BEE amp and the Rega Apollo CDP you'd think that going to Cyrus and B&W standmount speakers would be a backwards step but it isnt.

The agility of the speakers is superb but they're still so very new and not run in so I can only see this geting better. Just a shame I havent got the time to get it running constantly as we're away next week and I'm busy all this weekend!

I have to say that I'm highly impressed with the Cyrus sound now that I'm used to it again; the pace of music is superb and TBH going back to very good standmount speakers has made me realise that I was missing the fast pace sound that you get from them that you dont get from floorstanding speakers
Wait until the sound really beds in then you will like it even more.. Takes an age to warm the units back up so leave them on standbye or as I do leave the amps on all the time.

Glad your enjoying them. But watch out for the boxes breeding, they seem to do that.....


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