char_lotte said:
Hope you keep posting Jmac..... we'll be able to talk B and O soon....
Hi Char_lotte
I was a member of HDD from the beginning, but with the change from HDD to AVI, the focus of that forum has moved inevitably such as to be a marketing and support mechanism for AVI owners, and owners potentially to be, which is probably as it should be.
One can talk about any other brand you like, but you will be always reminded politely or otherwise that AVI is always going to be superior, no matter what you or anyone else may think.
As such, it's not really the place anymore for non AVI owners in my view, and my banning by AJ just confirms some uncomfortable thoughts I had about the place after a fairly recent spat with AJ; I haven't posted there again in some weeks since that time.
I occasionally post here, and also on PFM from time to time, but compared to the past, I post on forums less and less these days, as many forums are like a running argument, and I personally really dislike arguing.
Even on the Beoworld forums, which is an independant B&O focussed forum, there is at times a lot of open criticism of B&O, and which is allowed by the mods (and something AVI's forums could learn from) but again, heated discussions, whilst rare, do break out, and I prefer just to take a back seat.
I will continue to post here as long as I'm welcome, but I doubt if I'll ever be a prolific poster or anything like that - I actually much prefer to use and enjoy my B&O system than write about it all the time, strange as that may seem on a HiFi forum.. lol
I hope you've had an opportunity to audition some B&O kit from our previous discussion, and that hopefully you found something in the sound, or design philosophy to your liking.
If not of course, that's quite understandable, as B&O is not going to be to everyones sonic or design taste, and I'm sure there are active speakers out there from the likes of Meridian, Event Opals etc, that would likely compete on out and out sound quality - depending upon the individual model of course.
But always happy to try and help where I can with a few B&O questions if you have them.