Avi 9.1 Review


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all here is my review of the above.
Firstly the bass, it is fairly deep and well controlled for the size of the speakers we find that they are responsive to the changing depth and tone.The bass does suffer if pushed hard ie Santanas Maria Maria wich has a very deep and really drives the song along,but they only suffer at high volume. The treble is sweet and intergrates well with the midrange,especially with femail vocals and say Eric Bibb but all music sounds great!
Playing my ipod classic via Russ Andrews GQ-24 through my project head box 2 and phono leads, sound better than I expected! But when you play the same track via our cyrus Discmaster 8 connected via Toslink, there is a difference a fuller more rounded and exppresive sound.
My wife really enjoys the whole system and it is as room friendly as HiFi gets, she is playing more than she ever did.
So to conclued we are very happy with the sound we have,but I would like to try a sub just for the hell of it!and an Onkyo ND-S1
We have an awkward room see your back issue's Feb 2003 Readers Rescue
I hope this is helpfull and make sence!Nick
Good stuff Nick. You'll find that a sub will really help the mid range as well as the lower bass. Well worth the investment.
Gret review Nick. With the Onkyo dock you will be able to connect the ipod to the dock and then digital (optical?) into the AVIs and away you go? Is that right? That would be so user and room friendly.
Yes idc there are two Toslink and one phono connection on them.
idc:Gret review Nick. With the Onkyo dock you will be able to connect the ipod to the dock and then digital (optical?) into the AVIs and away you go? Is that right? That would be so user and room friendly.

That's right idc.

It certainly is user and room friendly!
Thanks for the replies, I will try a sub as soon as I can to see the difference in the overall sound.
Any idea's of which sub would work well with these? Would the AVI one be best or would a cheaper or smaller one do the job just as well? Was thinking of giving these a demo due to glowing reports
I use a smaller and cheaper (and older) sub and certainly enjoy the sound.

Whilst I am sure the AVI sub will be great, I think any good sub will be exactly that, a good sub!
But which sub is best for music (not to bothered about movies) for the £800 or below that the Avi one is.Cheaper the better but quality is important!!


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