Avatar -- Christmas Eve premiere on Sky 3D.

strapped for cash

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Aug 17, 2009
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I haven't seen a thread on the subject yet, so thought I'd start one.

Sky 3D are premiering Avatar on Christmas Eve (in all it's 'stereoscopic glory'). I'm not a Sky subscriber, and I can't stand Avatar, but I wonder how Panasonic feel about the decision? One would surmise that Murdoch's hand is at work here...


I find it very hard to swallow forking out £xxx for sky world A. when im not a football fan and B. when i like to watch films in 1080p on blu ray when I want to not when sky say so (i know theres anytime) just for 1 3D channel, but hopefully after the premier on Sky 3D they will release it on 3D Bluray and not exclusivily for Panny customers.


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Mar 22, 2008
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yes, I have Sky Anyworld or whatever it is referred to. I have enjoyed having the film package but also do not watch any of the sport. So I have questioned too why I pay the premium for the 3d channel. I have decided to switch to Love film for Blu-rays and am happy to loose the 3d on Sky. I haven't really watched anything particularly scintillating on it. I went to watch the Hayes boxing match but realised I had to pay extra to watch it! I am sure it time (probably a long time) the number of channels and content will increase but for now, I am content to loose the extra channel and 3d option.

The Love film alternative to Sky movies will be a bit more of a hassle as Sky have clearly mastered the art of home entertainment (at a price), but I am happy to reduce my Sky package back to basics and spend 10 minutes per week, working out what films I am hoping to watch for the week ahead - and I will access 'box office' titles too.


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Feb 10, 2010
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A second vote here for LoveFilm, its an excellent service. I've been using it for a few years and its great.

As for Sky, they're good, and HD content is getting better, but their on demand offering is really letting them down. Standard 'Anytime' is dreadful, the stuff that's push onto your box is rarely worth looking at. And to rub salt in the wouond, I have recently read that their long awaited (long awaited by me anyway) Anytime+ 'proper' on demand service is not going to have any HD content!!!

As for Avatar in 3D (pah!) on Christmas eve, I don't know about anyone else, but I'll be at the pub!


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