At last convinced a doubter


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Got my below system in October and my mates and little brother been giving me pelters for spending all that money on a hifi...."whats the difference from a fm radio" is the usual quote to my my brother new sennheiser HD202 headphones for his birthday which came yesterday, he didn't enjoy the inital first few hours listening to it on his £40 ghetto blaster, plugged them into my amp and after 30 mins he was getting well into the music and finally admitted defeat in the fact that there is a difference in our repective music systems and now he is wanting my old sytem

so good to finally feel justified in sticking with my upgrade path
Nice story Dazzler. I am sure that the difference is that the Senns have got a better amp behind them. You are helping me to spread the news that all headphones benefit from being amped.
so idc... could you recommend a suitable dac / amp combo to use alongside my Macbook Pro and Audio Technica ATH-AD700's?
Not specifically for the ATs no, but look in the headfi part of the forum 'Voices in my head' and you will see a review of the Firestone Fubar 4. Firestone and iBasso off the top of my head combine DACs with amps. You could try starting a thread there SJ and see what comes.
I have had no experience whatsoever with a headphone amp before and am happy to pay ~£100 on an upgrade for between the mac and my ears.

I was reading a thread or two on theFubar before christmas I believe... didn't got for it then as I suspected the Fubar4 is not as good as the Fubar4 plus which has a higher upsampling rate...Then I gave up researching.


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