Are my speakers compromising quality that much?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello (again)

I have a slightly odd question to ask: I recently picked up a pair of 0.5 Chord Company Silver Plus interconnects to replace some ten-year-or-so old QED interconnects (I'm not sure what they are, but the cable is purple with white termination plugs) between my recently acquired Cyrus CD8 and 8vs. I was therefore a little shocked and disappointed that there appears to be absolutely no improvement whatsoever to the sound quality - the two sets of outs from the CD8 means I've been able to do quick comparisons between both cables and I can't discern any difference at all.

What I'm banking on is that it's my speakers which are not letting the internconnects shine - Diamond 9.1s, which are the undoubted weak link in the system which I am currently looking to replace for a more appropriate speaker. Could this be the case? Alternatively, could it be my speaker cable (QED anniversary silver bi-wire).

Be interested to hear anyone's thoughts on this!


Without getting into another cable debate (please?) I'd have to say that you're using pretty high(ish) end components with what are effectively budget speakers (good ones, but budget nonetheless).

I'd expect you could get a great deal more out of your system with better speakers.


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