I'm really puzzled by some of the responses on this thread!
Richard is building some of the best speakers on the planet at this price point according to the reviews (I'm working from reviews here - mine are "in the queue"). I can't imagine anyone ordering from him is ordering on anything other than the quality of the product, and wouldn't be ordering if they weren't prepared to wait.
It's easy to find out the likely delivery time - you pick up the phone! I did, and had a very enjoyable conversation engaging with the craftsman who will produce my speakers when my turn comes - so I now have not only an order, but a relationship too!
I can well imagine that my delivery date may slip - it's the nature of a handcrafted product that interuptions occur, and deadlines get extended - if it does I'll pick up the phone again and we'll talk! If I had an email in my hand stating a date I would be no more or less happy - but at four orders a week it would just have added 20 mins work to Richard's week! Over the course of a year that's two days of lost production (or extra overtime).
Why do we want to push Richard in the direction of standard mass produced processes and responses when part of the USP of the product is its hand-crafted nature and the personal attention to detail that ensures the sound quality?
If I wanted a mass produced car I'd go off to my local Ford?VAG/ANO dealer, place an order - and yes I'd expect emails telling me exact delivery dates. But if I wanted a hand crafted special, I'd be off to Morgan where I could probably expect a wait of several years! It's horses for courses...
If I were advising Arcadys to do anything with the busness it would be to hire a really good apprentice so that the unique skills and knowledge are not lost, there's someone to do some of the less critical graft work, and so that Richard has more time for thinking up new designs, building relationships with customers, and further honing the unique proposition he offers.
Hopefully I won't have delayed my speakers while Richard reads this!