Hi all,I bought the A65 (non plus) and P35 both on the used market. Still yet to receive them, but am now somewhat curious if the A65 preamp output is sufficient for the P35 input?I plan to use the A65 as pre only, and P35 as amp.The P35 specs are:Nominal sensitivity 800mV,Input impedance 22kΩ,Gain 31dB against the A65 preamp out specs:Nominal output level 510mV,Maximum output level 8V,Output impedance <3Ω For reference, the A32 spec (which retailed with the P35):Nominal output level 700mVMaximum output level 8V RMS Output impedance <50Ω Any idea's?On a side note, I currently have a Creek 4330 with Epos K5 speakers.I will test this Arcam with the Epos and also with System Audio SA-705 I have sitting around. (that didn't pair well with the Creek) Thanks for the advice