anyone know what speakers these are?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
judging from the pic, they look like pretty good speakers (I have no affiliation) ....

seller has them listed as speakers (with no other description, except that they are loud and in good condition) .... I am not on the market now for speakers yet but these look interesting...

asked the seller a question 2 days ago about the model ... no reply .... they only standing on £50 at present with 2 bids and 1 day to go ... have 3 drivers plus 1 on the side

ebay item 110443061811
have checked the bid history ... there are 2 bids both by the same person, so the winning bidder has placed bid, then placed another bid (a proxy bid) ... these may go for cheap and may be good speakers?
Have you ever heard the phrase 'wouldn't touch it with a barge pole'? The fact the the item has no manuracturer details and that he isn't responding to general questions would set alarm bells ringing for me.

Have you ever heard the phrase 'wouldn't touch it with a barge pole'? The fact the the item has no manuracturer details and that he isn't responding to general questions would set alarm bells ringing for me.

many a bargain on ebay is had with items that are poorly described ,,,, because the seller has not said what the name/model is does not mean it does not have a name .... seller is new to ebay with a feedback of 0 so he is still 'wet behind the ears' when it comes to selling.... if I were to buy these, I would collect in person and test fully before parting with cash ... may be a bargain ... who knows?

Have you ever heard the phrase 'wouldn't touch it with a barge pole'? The fact the the item has no manuracturer details and that he isn't responding to general questions would set alarm bells ringing for me.

many a bargain on ebay is had with items that are poorly described ,,,, because the seller has not said what the name/model is does not mean it does not have a name .... seller is new to ebay with a feedback of 0 so he is still 'wet behind the ears' when it comes to selling.... if I were to buy these, I would collect in person and test fully before parting with cash ... may be a bargain ... who knows?

I agree with you that bargains can be had when someone doesn't know what they are doing on Ebay. However, the person who has bid so far has zero feedback, the seller has zero feedback. You would have to go to a flat in Brighton to pick them up. The seller would be in his/her rights to refuse a demo (demo is not mentioned in the ad). If you did demo and they were rubbish, you would still have to (in the eyes of ebay law) pay for them. This one is a leave alone job.
no probs .... like I said, I'm not on the market and was interested to know what speakers these are as they have the additional driver on the side

Can say, that if I were interested in them, I would bid, irrespective if the seller is shilling and would bid with a proxy bid in the last few seconds and bid the max that I am prepared to pay...

Seller has said they work ... so I would test before parting with cash .... I would notify the seller that I wish to audition them .... if he says he has no gear to test, I would take an amp, cdp and a small set of speakers with when I collect

they may be worth a lot of money and may be bought for cheap? .... they do have a name, as one can see the nameplates in the pics but you cannot read them
Why not use the "ask the seller a question" facility? If he doesn't respond, then I would steer clear.

Or use a different ebay account to bid, so as not to kill your feedback if you don't like them on arrival.

I might be out-of-order here, but they do look a little like the "white van speakers" - google it...
farboyslimfast .... like I said, I'm not on the market for speakers and thought this would make an interesting thread

You obviously dont buy much on ebay .... sellers cannot leave bad feedback anymore
Oh, don't you believe it. They can't hit the "Negative" button, but they can still leave some pretty nasty comments under the green tick.

And yes, I know ebay will remove them, but it's a PITA to get them to eventually do it.

I've been using ebay for over 8 years now, so I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, point taken about the idea behind the thread.

no probs fatboyslimfast .... as far as feedbacks on ebay it's become a joke now .... (since ebay has removed the ability to allow sellers to leave honest feedback) .... Many powersellers have left ebay due to this ....

Missus sells fulltime on ebay and is always complaining about people trying to extort discounts or they threaten to leave bad feedback .... Buying off ebay is relatively safe now, but selling is another story
The seller has listed their location as Grimsby in Lincs.

But to pick them up you go to....

"...right next to the brighton marina village on the sea front (ill give you my full address when you win the bid)"

A boat?

Pehaps these speakers are from 'the back of a trawler'. A bit fishy maybe?
Those look to be Gale or Eltax judging from the badges. I`ve bought a lot of speakers secondhand and they look to be absolutely Knackered, steer clear buddy!
I thought Eltax as well, but don;t recall seeing a speaker from Eltax looking quite like these ones do. Assume the best approach here, based on what's already been said, is the "wide berth" route. Handy given as it's near a marina. Little sailing terminology in-joke there. Try to contain yourselves if you can.
I thought Eltax too. Looks like they've done a Rega with those eside drivers. Works well for them but I can believe it'd quite hard to pull off.
They remind me of the front speakers in an Eltax surround package from about 2003, can't be 100% positive though
They look like complete tat to me. Can't think what they are - doubt they are Eltax although I can see the similarities. Probably some tat brand like Genexxa or something.