Anyone having problems after upgrading to OS3.0 on ipod touch?


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Aug 10, 2019
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Seem to be having a few problems after upgrading to OS 3.0 on my usually reliable ipod touch (2nd gen).

  • Couple of times it hasn't been recognised when first connecting
  • Today it lost all of my music on the ipod (though apps, diary, contacts etc. are fine) and I've been having to reloaded all my albums - which as I can't just auto-synch because of capacity, is a real pain
  • I've also noticed I have no sound coming out of the ipod's built-in speaker - it's there as soon as you put earphones in but it means you can't view a video or play a game with sound unless you have speakers

Anyone else experienced this?

Sliced Bread

Well-known member

I had posted this on another thread:
"This update crashed my 1st Gen 32GB ipod touch. I spent some time on the phone to Apple support last night attempting to resolve the issue.

Basically, the ipod was working just right and I shut it down as normal, however on the way home from work I tried to turn it no again and it was completely dead. plugging it into the computer & a charger did not push it back into life.

The resolution was fairly simply, I had to hold down the two buttons and wait for it to re-boot, which worked. The woman I spoke to said that some devices have crashed with the new software, but my particular issue was caused by a faulty installation and should not occur again. I personally do not agree with this diagnosis as the software had been installed for two days before the crash occurred.

Not a major problem, but one to be weary about. (Also the blue tooth upgrade only applies to 2nd Gen Ipod touches) something that isn't clear when you order the upgrade from itunes (not a problem for me, but maybe for some)."

While this is not the same issue, the discussion I had with Apple support does suggest that people have had problems with this update.


Since I installed o.s.3 on my 2nd gen 32g touch the wifi connection as been very on/off, before it was very stable. Also Last FM stops playing songs before they finish and moves onto the next. If I do a full power down or reboot it can take an age to restart. As in 15mins+.

Is it possible to pair the blue tooth with a mobile phone to receive photo, anyone?


My Touch (1st gen) works ok after upgrading but I'm having problems with my Pure-Fi Anywhere 2 volume control not working properly.

There are several other owners reporting the same problem in Logitech's forums.


Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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Well I have a Pure-Fi Anywhere 2 to hand, including remote, and a 2nd Gen iPod Touch... but I must admit that since all these reports surfaced i'm planning to wait for 3.01 or 3.1 before 'upgrading' the software. I need a strong wi-fi pickup more than cut and paste!

John Duncan

Well-known member
Hm. I must admit my wifi is being a bit flaky at the moment, which may or may not be related to connecting my Touch to the network. I say apocryphally because it's actually been a bit flaky for a while, and can't swear it's OS3.0 related. Am half inclined to fix my IP addresses...


New member
May 21, 2008
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I'm having lots of isues with my Iphone after 3.0

Wireless signal strength is much worse and remote software won't stay connected - constantly forgets the wifi password. Quite annoying.


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