I have the nine inch nails blu-ray, which is brilliant (if you like that kind of thong.)
I've always felt concerts on boggo DVD lacked a bit, the DD/DTS soundtracks not having the bite of the CD's I'm used to, and sounding a bit flat. Which makes blu-ray the perfect format for live concerts really🙂
Noticed metallica have a blu-ray out soon too.
Are there any blu-ray music only discs? As Will has said in the past, it would seem to be a good idea. SACD and DVD-Audio failed to a certain extent with mainstream releases as most of the public think CD sounds fine and you needed a special player to play them. Most households will have a blu-ray player in the near future, blu-ray studio music discs could work. I guess 25gb would be a waste of space though, perhaps they could be in AVCHD format (without the video!), or with picture you could make use of BD live with access to bands websites, etc. Trouble is a lot of us would want to rip for use on a PC or iPod, the record companies wouldn't like us being able to rip 24 bit, 96khz music!
Yeah I popped this question in the hifi forum, I think the proliferation of blu-ray players over SACD/DVDA capable machines should make music on blu-ray a serious consideration for record companies.