[quote user="Clare Newsome"]However, if it was my money at that size/price, i'd go for a Panasonic TH-42PZ700 - a 42in Full HD plasma with exceptional picture quality. It offers better contrast and motion-handling than the Sony, and true blacks - all of which helps everything from movies to sport to everyday TV. It's available for around £1249.[/quote]
Clare I am also thinking of getting a new set (at the moment I'm stuck with a teeny 26" Sony Bravia LCD), and was also thinking about the Panny PZ700 like you mentioned, but came to the understanding that the PZ70 was basically just as good (picture wise) so now I am a little bit confused. With both sets now available for much less than their listed price, and much closer in price to each other, would you still only give the full 5 stars to the PZ70, with the PZ700 just receiving 4 stars? Apart from the extra HDMI and the better quality sound that you get with the PZ700, are there any other advantages of this set over the PZ70? Was I correct in thinking that both sets had the same picture quality? Also Clare, off the record, what do really think about these sets 24fps handling? I know that the official response from the great Panny said that these tvs convert 24fps material to 60Hz, but do you really believe that this is the case, considering the quality of these sets' motion handling?