(another) Newbie! Stereo to 5.1 advice


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I am new to the hi fi world but Im looking for some advice. Im wanting to put together my first system!! I was thinking I could start with a receiver and a good pair of front speakers, and then as I save up add speakers to get my 5.1.

I didnt want to get a surround package because I love my music to much and I'm worried it'd let that down. Id rather have a better system for music then have 5.1. For my initial setup Im looking at about (tops) £350.

I currently have:

A crapy all in one hifi - dont even know the brand (its a squigle) (one input, intend to bin)

Thorens record deck (with Project pre amp)

Samsung 32" LCD tv (1080i)

Ipod 160gb


Nintendo Wii


I'd like to add a cd and DAB tuner seperate down the line.

My first question it: Is this a good approach?

My second question is: Can anybody give me any advice on what to go for!!! I've seen a SONY STRDH500 receiver, and heard lots of diffrent opinions about speakers - Wharfedale 9.1s / 10.1s / Tannoy F1s, Q Acoustics 1020s & 1030s, Mordaunts....

I also need on advice with wiring, because I can audio straight out of my tv, but Im guessing Im better going from the back of the PS3 (I believe it has optical out - I also believe my sky box has this). I experience an audio delay currently going from the tv to my current hifi, but Im thinking thats the hifi processing it slowly....?

Hope anyone can help. Thanks in advance,

If music is important, what about 2 completely seperate systems?

You can buy a half decent HCIAB (Home Cinema In A Box) for your films, then a decent hifi amp and CDP for your music.

HCIAB speakers tend to be quite small and discrete.

The advantage of two systems is the ability to upgrade/change things independant of each other. (This is how I do it. A/V system seperate from my Hi-Fi system. I can change my Hi-Fi speakers/components without disturbing the balance of the A/V system, and vice versa.)
Thanks for your really speedy reply

Well I guess that makes sense!! Well my music is well more important to me than my surround sound, so I guess id just be focusing on an amp and a good pair of speakers if anyone could recommend some.

One question though (if you dont mind) - Can you get home cineams in a box less the dvd / blu ray player because Ive got a ps3 already for my films... That was why I looking towards getting just an amp that might provide my audio for my ps3 / sky box.

Does anyone else in here have any suggestions....

Thanks again!!!
I went down the "home theatre" track initially, but was disappointed with the stereo quality of normal cd's and computer replay quality. It's the quality of the power amps that let them down, all those amps in one box often sold cheaper than the price of a good budget 2 channel amp (Nad Cambridge etc). Somethings got to give!

However, you could get both a Home Theatre receiver and a 2 channel amp. The home theatre amp could handle all the video and audio switching and tidy up all the cables. The Digital to analogue convertors could handle any optical/ digital outs of any devices.It's often handy to have a radio too.Then as long as your amp has pre- outs you could buy a budget integrated or a dedicated power amp.

Feed the pre outs to the 2 channel amp and away you go. You'd have good 2 channel sound and Dolby digital surround too for movies (albeit it in stereo)
Thanks very much for such a speedy response 😀

Well if I had to choose, music would always come first so perhaps doing it this way I could leave the surround for further down the line. Could someone recommend then a good amp and speakers for that sort of money. Im into my rock, pop, band sorta stuff so something rich and full (but still keeping all the clarity).

Can you get a HCIAB that doesnt come with a dvd / blu ray player? I have a PS3 already you see so if you can get one I could hook my PS3 and sky box into then yeh thatd be great. If not though, then that would still make me lean towards a receiver... - Am I daft?!!! Anyone?

Thanks again

Sorry about that. My browser crashed so I retyped the message - I thought Id lost my post above that!!!!

I think I understand where your coming from. Would a receiver amp not provide enough power to drive a nice pair of front speakers for listening to music through then? I figured when they suggested 100W outputs then I decent pair of speakers should be fine with it.... Please excuse my ignorance, Im new to all this. I have read up a lot and tried to learn as much as I can, thats why I came on here to ask you guys!! 😀

Do you mean then also, that I could have front and back speakers, but they would be in stereo - sound front and back left, and sound front and back right matching???

Your helps much appreciated!
If music is important to you, you will invariably get performance from a stereo amp + speakers rather than using an av amp of the same price. However, I have found that integrating a stereo amp/speaker into an av setup poses problems.

If you don't want to have to switch wiring for your front speakers, you would need an av amp with preout (which is generally more expensive), such the the front two channels from a 5.1 track will go into your stereo amp and the speakers connected to that amp. If you don't mind having to switch the front speaker cable connections, you can get a cheaper amp and plug your front speakers into that when you watch movies.

Alternatively, as previously suggested, get two separate systems (i.e you will have two sets of front speakers) assuming you have space. Given the amount of components you have, you would probably be better off getting a dedicated av amp rather than a home theatre in a box where there is usually limited inputs.
Thanks for the reply Bamboowan.

The general feeling I guess then is that if you want to get the best out of your music, stick with a good simple stereo amp. I guess I was just keen to have it all through the one receiver where I could have one remote to listen to any part of my entertainment line up!!! (the boys dream!), and also to save on having to buy an amp and second speakers - The preout sounds like it might be a bit of mess-about.

I fairly certain that I wouldnt be happy to keep switching the cables all the time, because my Turntable now has a faulty connection that you have to sit right gor that very reason!! - For some reason too the cables wired into to the turntable so not so simple to replace!!!

I would still be intrested to hear if anyone has manage to come up with a shared stereo and 5.1 system?....

...but I think I know now what the realistic dirrection is to head in 😀

Does anyone know if this is any good? - http://www.richersounds.com/product/av-receivers/sony/strdh500/sony-strdh500

Thanks again everyone!!
Can't find anything about decoding HD soundtracks on it (Although I guess your PS3 can decode the HD soundtracks itself and send them to the amp just for amplification duties..... Double check this with others, as I don't have a PS3.

I still feel that if music is your priority, you're better off spending that kind of money on a dedicated Hi-Fi amp. Try looking on auction sites, as this will get you a better quality amp than buying new. Marantz & NAD are two particularly good budget amp manufacturers.

eg. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Marantz-PM7200-INTEGRATED-AMPLIFIER_W0QQitemZ220538527049QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_AudioTVElectronics_HomeAudioHiFi_Amplifiers?hash=item33591edd49
Thanks Big Chris

Well, I think Im going to focus on getting a decent stereo amp and a pair of speakers then. Is it possible to get a stereo amp to fit all my inputs I want listed above?

I could perhaps then buy a subwoofer to beef up the movie and gaming experience... I could live with that!!!
Is it usually possible to hook up a sub into an amp, or do you then have to be more specific about your choice? I saw this...: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/mordaunt-short-msw20-sub-woofer_W0QQitemZ130357986079QQihZ003QQcategoryZ3275QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3286.m7QQ_trkparmsZalgo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D3%26ps%3D6

- Theres something got to be said for second hand gear. Looking at that link I was given and browsing ebay theres some ace bargins!! I worry about hidden problems, but I get the impression in this world people tend to look after there gear!

These forums are great, theres a lot of nice people prepared to help you out and share there knowledge! 😀
Most Hi-Fi amps will have 4 or 5 analogue inputs. As long as the rest of your equipment has analogue outputs, you'll be fine.

Some, but not all Hi-Fi amps, have sub outputs. If you pick an amp without a sub output, it's not the end of the world. Just ensure any sub you buy has speaker level (also called "high level") inputs. This will run from a pair of speaker wires from the speaker terminals on your amp.

I run my PV1 from the speaker terminals of my Arcam amp. Sounds great. Gotta love that extra bass!


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