Another interconnect thread!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi, I'm looking for a new budget interconnect. I'm reluctant to spend too much as I'm using budget gear.

I'm looking at either - Merlin Mozart, Atlas Equator MK2, Chord Crimson, Chord Cobra 3 or more obscure brands such as Silver High Breed Metaphor 2, Mark Grant cables Canare, Solid Silver Litz etc. I already own some Chunky Cables and they are good. Fancy a change for my other system.

Are the brands such as Chord, QED, Merlin and Atlas etc worth the extra money for a budget system? Has anyone done any comparisons between popular brands and more obscure brands? Which of the ones above is best as an allrounder? How many people on here have the Merlin and is it worth it?!

Cheers 🙂
Inter 84: Are the brands such as Chord, QED, Merlin and Atlas etc worth the extra money for a budget system? 🙂

In my opinion even a budget system will benenfit significantly from upgrading from the interconnect that comes in the box with your electronics. However, you don't have to spend much.
I think so, if you can find a second hand one try the Linn black interconnects. About £60 new but should be loads available second hand. I prefered it to the chord calypso i initially had in my nad system
Inter 84:

Hi, I'm looking for a new budget interconnect. I'm reluctant to spend too much as I'm using budget gear.

I'm looking at either - Merlin Mozart, Atlas Equator MK2, Chord Crimson, Chord Cobra 3 or more obscure brands such as Silver High Breed Metaphor 2, Mark Grant cables Canare, Solid Silver Litz etc. I already own some Chunky Cables and they are good. Fancy a change for my other system.

Are the brands such as Chord, QED, Merlin and Atlas etc worth the extra money for a budget system? Has anyone done any comparisons between popular brands and more obscure brands? Which of the ones above is best as an allrounder? How many people on here have the Merlin and is it worth it?!

Cheers 🙂

I know Cambridge Audio used to do some cracking budget interconnects. A few years back I bought Cambridge Studio Ref and they were very good, especially when they cost around £35. Although not sure whether Richer Sounds still sell them. Otherwise, look at something like s/hand Merlin Chopin. They are very detailed, transparent interconnects; Chord Cobra will also fit the bill nicely.
Mine is budget setup. I'm using the free black thin RCA cables that came with SB3 between my amp and cdp and I can't believe the sound is same when I was using my QED Qunex IC. The QED IC is between the SB3 and amp now.

So, moral, IMO, if budget setup go for the inexpensive ones, it doesn't matter.
I`ve tried the Atlas Equator which sounded very good. I understand the MK2 is even better. Personally I`d go for something at this level for a budget system and it should be decent enough to see you through a future upgrade if that should come to pass.
What matters are contact and shielding. The thin things that comes with most budget equipment are not shielded, so they will pick up electrical noise from the surroundings. The plugs are made of cheap metal that makes bad connections, and they might be badly soldered.

The thicker cables sold by most TV & electronics shops will be shielded, and the plugs will fit better.

Anything else is a matter of beliefs and metaphysics. Leave it to the priesthood of the Holy Church of the Divine Cable.
Did not try the freebie with my Sony 360 blu-ray, but it DVDs in stereo sound brilliant with my Chord Crimson - don't think you can go wrong here.

And I love their colour
Thanks for the replies, very useful information. I've got some Chord Crimson's with another setup and love the colour! Maybe I'll just collect different coloured cables!

Might try the Silver High Breed Metaphor 2's as they are quite cheap and half the price of the Merlin Mozart at £20. Are the Merlins twice as good?
I would be very surprised if the Merlins were twice as good. In the world of hifi that is a term too easily bandied about. My budget maximum is £50 for ICs and the SHBs fit in excellently with that. They were also a step up from the out of the box ICs that Chebby sent me
Inter 84:

Which of the ones above is best as an allrounder?

Cheers 🙂


I recently got a pair and am astounded by how good they are.

Thanks again. Just bid on some VDH D102 MK3 Hybrids. Hope I win. If not its the SHB Metaphor 2's. Cheers 🙂

ValianTX what cable did you have before the VDH?
Very big fan of Audioquest cables here - used their Turquoise for years and more recently and currently the Copperhead interconnect. Been using Type IV biwire for over ten years on my speakers and would be hard pressed to part with them.
What's the best interconnect out of these?:

-Atlas Equator Superior

-Chord Chameleon Silver Plus

-Van Den Hul The Wave

-Merlin Bach MK3

Cheers 🙂
I would go for 1m Cambridge Audio Pacific at £30.00. Excellent plugs and vfm.
A few words of caution for the Gotham GAC-1 RCA interconnects. They use Neutrik plugs that fit extremely tightly and twice now I have had trouble disconnecting them with the result the plugs have come away with part of the sockets too.
Different I/Cs have slightly different sounds. You need to find one that works for you. Unfortunately this takes some trial and error so borrowing from dealers is useful.

- The SHB cables are excellent if a little bit toppy. They certainly sound detailed but in a sort of "etched" way. I have one on the DVD player and one on the TV (both Coherence LE).
- The Chord Cobra is OK but has never been a favourite of mine. In my old system it seemed to suck the life out of it! Many love it, especially in systems that tend towards brightness (see VDH).
- The Chameleon Silver Plus is very good, very natural and seems to have a good range. Many comment on a decent bass boost with these. My favourite I/C! (if you ignore the Nordost Baldur)
- The QED Qunex 2 is very good for the money. An old favourite. Perhaps on a par with the Chord Crimson but (was) cheaper!
- The Chord Crimson is fine. Nothing to get excited about in terms of treble and bass extension but is good for the cash. Well balanced is the best description, where many cables might not be.
- VDH cables are excellent but I have limited experience here so no further comment.
Nordost, well, I won't start commenting on those. Noted for their assistance with brighter systems.
igglebert:Different I/Cs have slightly different sounds. You need to find one that works for you. Unfortunately this takes some trial and error so borrowing from dealers is useful. - The SHB cables are excellent if a little bit toppy. They certainly sound detailed but in a sort of "etched" way. I have one on the DVD player and one on the TV (both Coherence LE). - The Chord Cobra is OK but has never been a favourite of mine. In my old system it seemed to suck the life out of it! Many love it, especially in systems that tend towards brightness (see VDH). - The Chameleon Silver Plus is very good, very natural and seems to have a good range. Many comment on a decent bass boost with these. My favourite I/C! (if you ignore the Nordost Baldur) - The QED Qunex 2 is very good for the money. An old favourite. Perhaps on a par with the Chord Crimson but (was) cheaper! - The Chord Crimson is fine. Nothing to get excited about in terms of treble and bass extension but is good for the cash. Well balanced is the best description, where many cables might not be. - VDH cables are excellent but I have limited experience here so no further comment. Nordost, well, I won't start commenting on those. Noted for their assistance with brighter systems.

Hi igglebert,

Very good summary. (Worse to best) The QED Qunex 1 are good performers for the price however lacks some detail . The Qunex 2 had a bit more detail and space in the soundstage and more dynamic, I put on par with VDH (excellent value for money though) a little forward on the mids which i found a little fatigueing. The VDH I found had a full bottom end, but found the mids a little unnatural and harsh especially on the human voice.

The chord crimson is excellent value not as detailed as the VDH but tonally balanced a safe cable. The chord cobra 3 has a little better detail especially in the mids ( full bass, quite natural sounding and warm lacks a little in drive and punch) not quite as good as the kimber pbj - they have a good airy top end and good soundstaging.

Better still is the Eichmann express 6 very smooth tonally balanced and detailed one of my favorites. The Nordost blue heaven - is excellent too - best for dark to neutral systems, not so good on bright systems it can be a bit harsh on the wrong system. Its fast detailed, clear and lean (maybe to lean on some systems). I have a siltech - which is detailed and open but can be clinical on a bright system with valve its nice.

I would like to listen to the chord chameleon silver plus and SHB and compare it to the Eichmann and Nordost one day.

I hope that gives you some ideas.



Sensible prices without paying for the marketing blurb of many of the big names. Alternatively borrow from a dealer for trying at home. If this isn't possible then buy from direct sellers who allow you to try and return for a refund (e.g. NVA soundcords/soundpipes on ebay - am sure there are many others). do a massive selection of interconnects and, wait for it, have a 30 day trial period before which time you can return the cable for a full refund. Can't say fairer than that!

As others have said, the right interconnect for your system, tastes and set up will be individual to you, so try some different ones and make your own mind up! Good luck 🙂


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