Amps for MS Mezzo 6


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi Guys,

I'd like to get a short list of perhaps 3 amps, new or 2nd hand suitable for Mordaunt short Mezzo 6 speakers. I am looking for good levels of power to really grip the speakers and must not be bright sounding as will be too much with the metal dome tweaters.

so inconclusion. a Non bright Powerfull amp with grip, £500 max very happy to look at used kit.

what you reckon?
For excellent synergy, get the CA 840A V1 or V2, check RS for pricing. This amp would get the best out of Mezzo 6 and would be more musical and punchy than any other amp, IMO.

My second thought would be to go for Marantz PM7003, would be fine amp to drive the 6's.
electocompaniet are very nice but somewhat more than £500.

hmmm... not really thougth about marantz! are marantz amps know be to be a good match for MS speakers are they warm sounding?
I prefer the older 2nd hand gear (as I'm always on a 'tight budget')

Marantz 1200

Pioneer SA 9800 or 9800

Yamaha CA-1010 or CA-2010

Technics SU-8600

Kenwood KA-907 (scarce) or KA-600 or KA-650

or sansui AU-D11
I'm quite happy to look at older amps, always after a billy bargain, I quite fancy an older pioneer reference amp 616, 676, I saw an A88x go on ebay last month for £205. any idea if older hi end pioneer amps are None bright sounding?
vinod_david:For excellent synergy, get the CA 840A V1 or V2, check RS for pricing. This amp would get the best out of Mezzo 6 and would be more muscal and punchy than any other amp, IMO.

That would be my best bet, you can get the V1 for £400 from a few RS stores, check the bargains section. Failing that a 740A should be good.
one off:avoid cambridge to bright.

have too agree heard CA amp in RS with smaller mezzo book shelf speakers, i though it was too bright aswell.
I have the new Kandy K2 driving my Mezzo 6's and it sounds amazing.....more than £500 can easily pick up an older Kandy model over on e-bay for sub 500......

Don't know what source you plan on using....I use both turntable and cd so the built in phono stage on the Kandy was the final swaying point, though I debated long and hard over the CA 840A
one off:avoid cambridge to bright.

Thanks for your 'sweeping comment'.

FYI. Both CA and MS are from the same company that owns them, so they do compliment each other well and have wonderful synergy. CA might be bright for certain speakers, but for MS they are best bet.

The OP can audition the 6's with 840A V1 (499 at RS) before taking the plunge.
read the op post a couple above he agrees with me and hes the one whos doing the buying
I prefer the older 2nd hand gear (as I'm always on a 'tight budget')

Marantz 1200

Pioneer SA 9800 or 9800

Yamaha CA-1010 or CA-2010

Technics SU-8600

Kenwood KA-907 (scarce) or KA-600 or KA-650

or sansui AU-D11

Yeah, the older stuff is the best stuff IMO. The Technics SU-V55a I'm using at the moment is excellent. Much better than my previous Cambridge 740A in every way.

I do think these older amps work best with older speakers though, so I'd proceed with caution if planning to drive the Mezzos with one.

The Yamaha A-S700 works very well with the Mezzo 2s so might be a nice match for the Mezzo 6 as well.
The CA 840 v2 is not bright or harsh in any way. The 740A is not as powerful but sounds similar - both are a good buy in my opinion.

MP has had more amps and other assorted kit than I have had hot dinners (no offence MP!) . For me the holy grail is music and not endlesslessly changing kit for a supposed nirvana. - ouch! (If you know what I mean like!)
I agree, the OP said he listened to a CA amp with Mezzo 2s, and the 650A (which RS love to stick with Mezzo 2s) could be justified with being described as bright IMO. If the CA amp in question was a 740/840 then fine, it's him who's paying the cash. However if it was the 650 then I really would have a listen to the others. I think the 840 v1 and Mezzos make a classy partnership, I havn't heard the v2 though, but I imagine it's the same story. But it really is worth a listen if you've only heard the 650. But again, if you're not happy with that then I'd go for a second hand Roksan LIII on ebay.
I'd stay away from the C/A gear as well with the Mezzo 6's

To bright at the top end and the midrange can be a little harsh as well (that includes the 6**, 7** and 8** ranges of the C/A amps).

As PP said take a look at the Arcam DiVA A85 integrated as well as the Roksan Kandy LIII, NAD C352/C355BEE integrated amps. You could also look at ther Arcam Alpha 10 integrated as well.

The Arcam amps are superb but perform better when partnered with their matching power amps which could be a consideration for the future.

The M/F A200 integrated could be worth looking at as well but IMO wouldnt be as agile as the above mentioned amps
How about Marantz SA8003 & PM8003 with the Mezzo 6? Anyone has experience with this set up to share? Thanks!