Amplifier upgrade advice please


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have a Quad 34/306 pre/power combo, which I inherited. I'm aware that it was a very good amp when released 20 or more years ago. I wondered how much I would have to spend to get a significant improvement? And what models should I be looking at?

I'm using an Arcam Alpha 7SE CD player and Ruar Sabre loudspeakers. I also run my Toshiba DVD player through the system.

the record spot

I think you might find some people would be happy to go back to a Quad 34/306 (or 606, 909, etc.). Try out a few and compare if you can with your own equipment. Suffice to say, the 34 is still sought after, but it might be a power amp upgrade you could pitch at? Either way, it's good gear, so don't be too hasty in chucking it.

Incidentally, I think the pre-amp was a bit more than 20 years ago...!


the record spot said:
Suffice to say, the 34 is still sought after, but it might be a power amp upgrade you could pitch at?

I'm curious to learn what happened here - did the OP ever get an upgrade to their power amp?

I also have the quad 34 (but with with the quad 405-2) and I am considering an upgrade of the power amp to get a bit more punch in the midband frequancies as I find the 405-2 a bit soft in that department. So, what happened...?

While we're at it can anyone recommend a good modern/second hand power amp to go with the quad 34 to get the aforementioned extra 'punch'?



Well-known member
Bush, yours is one of just a handful of older amps which might benefit from the attentions of an upgrade specialist.

Because there were so many 405s produced, and many are doubtless still in use, it is fertile ground. To be blunt, they were a bit home made when new, with parts catalogue-grade compenents. No special capacitors or whatever for Quad back then. However, the basic designs are very sound and I'm sure would sound much better with a bit of fettling.

This is a bit outside the range of things typically covered on this forum, so I'm not sure how many folks will have first-hand experience to report. In any case, the idea may not appeal to you. But I suggest a look, aided by your preferred search engine, at what is available.

Ocassionally the pre-amps are partnered with other brand power amps, but they are best considered as a pair. So I would look for a new(er) integrated if you wanted to move away from Quad.


Thanks, I had been considering that too but it's hard to know who to trust and how much difference it will make... relative to the possibility of a brand new/completely different amp. I guess the only way is know is to take the plunge!


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2009

I have an Audio Analogue Puccini (NOT the SE model) and a pair of Roksan Rok One's - both in mint condition.

I bought them about 15+ years ago (in fact I have the purchase invoices somehwere) in the days when I was single and on good money!!

I am trying to find out what they might be worth if I sell them - or part ex them?

Also, what would people recommend as upgrades - better performance etc - but I don't have much cash to spend!!



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