Blacksabbath25 said:it wasn’t for that purpose i was think of a second one as a stand in amplifier while my main one was sent of for a service so I would not be without music for ages that’s all I had no intention of using one to rob parts for .paulkebab said:I get the feeling you're overreacting or you've got money to burn, buying another amp for spares seems a bit OTT. Most of the parts inside would be surface mounted therefore not easily if at all repairable, meaning a Yamaha supplied module swapout. Discrete components will be high quality easily replaceable so no problems there, and IMO it is these that will cause most issues not modules laden with SMC's. I know where you're coming from as I love my amp too but if it dies it dies, as one day it will which is when I get the next model up 😉
As mentioned above, the amp will 'wear out' even when it isn't being used. In the good old days, you could use a witches brew in electrolytic caps that seemed to last forever. These days, the clean and green electrolytes seem to leak or corrode after a few years. Some of these effects depend on temp, so a hot always-on amp will fry the caps faster than an amp switched off in the cupboard, but they all seem to end up the same way eventually.