Amplifier recomandation for floorstranders(details inside)


New member
Mar 26, 2014
Hello everyone ,

I know that there arent many topics for german speakers around here but even if u havent heard them i think i could use your expertise.

So a year or so ago i heard a pair of Hecos(the Metas XT 501..and i realy liked theyr character allso heard Dali Zensor 7s..and even tho the Dalis had more detail the Hecos were more dynamic)..problem is they are now discontinued so i decided to go for the new Music Style 500 or 900(i dont have a lot of choices when it comes to picking speakers as they have to be as Wife-Fi as possible(aka pretty :rofl:)..i was thinking on the Mission MX5 but those things are huge so like i said , i dont have a lot of options.

Now for my concern and issue..These speakers have a low minimum impedance under 4 Ohms..does the Marrantz PM6005 have enough power to drive large speakers(ive read that they have good load tolerance)..ive allso considered the CA 651A but ive read a lot of sources that this amp doesnt fair well with heavy loads..NADs are out of the question becouse they are bass heavy..and would most likely be a horrible match for hecos(allso bass heavy).Same question for the Yamaha A-S500 does it have enough juice to drive them well?Any other recomandations at and under 500?


New member
Apr 24, 2013
OviPsk said:
Hello everyone ,

I know that there arent many topics for german speakers around here but even if u havent heard them i think i could use your expertise.

So a year or so ago i heard a pair of Hecos(the Metas XT 501..and i realy liked theyr character allso heard Dali Zensor 7s..and even tho the Dalis had more detail the Hecos were more dynamic)..problem is they are now discontinued so i decided to go for the new Music Style 500 or 900(i dont have a lot of choices when it comes to picking speakers as they have to be as Wife-Fi as possible(aka pretty :rofl:)..i was thinking on the Mission MX5 but those things are huge so like i said , i dont have a lot of options.

Now for my concern and issue..These speakers have a low minimum impedance under 4 Ohms..does the Marrantz PM6005 have enough power to drive large speakers(ive read that they have good load tolerance)..ive allso considered the CA 651A but ive read a lot of sources that this amp doesnt fair well with heavy loads..NADs are out of the question becouse they are bass heavy..and would most likely be a horrible match for hecos(allso bass heavy).Same question for the Yamaha A-S500 does it have enough juice to drive them well?Any other recomandations at and under 500?

Hi and welcome.

Heco speakers are pretty rare in the UK, so these comments are of a more general nature.

Apart from serious hi-end exotica, big floorstanding speakers at this price level are the most difficult speakers to match. Budget constraints dictate inexpensive drive units, relatively simple cabinets and when you mix in the modern tendency to provide ample bass, you can easily end up with a speaker that is hard to get right.

As I said, I have no experience of the Heco, but they look very similar to a lot of UK floorstanders at this sort of price level. Generally speaking, pure power is not the issue, they are pretty sensitive, the issue is control. Getting the bass drivers to stop quickly when the bass note stops is the trick, if that doesn't happens the sound continues and you get 'overhang', bass notes becoming exaggerated and dominating the music, add in the cabinet noise and the fact that speakers of this type usually need lots of space and you could easily end up with a big, boomy mess.

Strangely (to me anyway) some people seem to rather like this kind of sound, I very definitely do not, If you have the space, ideally 2 to 3ft from walls or substantial furniture in a decent sized room they they might be ok, if you do not have this space you may be better with something else.

The best inexpensive floorstander I have heard is the Dali Zenzor 5, far less critical of room placement and faster and more articulate than anything at the price. I find it clearer and more expressive than the bigger Zensor 7, and it will drive easily off the Marantz.

Personally at this level I would use smaller stand mount speakers and a better amplifier, but thats just me.


New member
Dec 26, 2013
I would avoid Heco, skip Magnat and go directly to Canton and pair it with the Marantz. They are a beautifull sweet and dynamic combination which positively surprised me when I first heard it (Marantz PM6004 + Canton Karat M 60 DC).


New member
Mar 26, 2014
Space is not an issue they will be placed in my living room witch is of decent size.As for the towers themselfs i would go for them for 3 reasons(im more inclined to get the 500s as ive heard that the 900s suffer from a bit of bass overhang and i dont like that either).As ive stated before i listened to the Metas XT model the MS 500 is theyr succesor and from reading on some forums (other languages thank god for google translate) theyr a big improvement on detail reson nr.1 is that i liked theyr predecesor reason nr.2 subwoofer is optional and like not required(they do not suffer in the bass department) and reson nr.3 is that my wife likes the desingn. Dalis zensor 5s might be better than the 7s i heard and didnt like very much(i did like the refinment in the treble and mids no so much the bass department) but ive allso heard that they require an additional sub witch is extra cost(most decent subs are not cheap and then theres the pairing issue id prefer to keep it as simple as posible).

@Vladimir im not fixed on buying german speakers i realy dont give 2 cents where they are made as long as the build and sound quality is good.

Those Cantons look huge tho and arent the prettyest thing(wifes aproval remember ^^) and for some reason i cant seem to be a big fan metal domes ive yet to hear one that sounds to my liking(im sure that there are some but probably way way out of my budget)..i prefer sound to be on the warmer side.

Thx for the replies :)


Oh yea i forgot..the amps any toughts? :)


New member
Apr 24, 2013
OviPsk, I was talking generally, we do not see any of the German brands mentioned in the uk so I was not being specific.

I have heard some of the British equivilents, big Missions for example, and I find them unlistenable for the reasons described in my earlier post.

However it is clear that some people think differently, I am really only offering guidelines here, based on my own preferences of course.

If you like what you hear then go right ahead, it is the two of you that you have to please, not me. Unless you want excessive levels the Marantz should have sufficient power, the speakers are quite sensitive so if you like what you are hearing, go fo it.


New member
Mar 26, 2014
Thank you.:)

Even tho i was pretty sure the Marantz would drive them well(ive recently read HFCs review on it and checked the mesurements...yea im of those guys who tand to take mesurements pretty serious..)it cant hurt to ask for a second opinion , that rated power bugs me(psychological factor i guess)even tho i know it can go much much higher and the amp doesnt clip easy it still bugs me(i calculated i can get @ 108db at 1m without clipping the amp witch is more than enough)


New member
Apr 24, 2013
OviPsk said:
Thank you.:)

Even tho i was pretty sure the Marantz would drive them well(ive recently read HFCs review on it and checked the mesurements...yea im of those guys who tand to take mesurements pretty serious..)it cant hurt to ask for a second opinion , that rated power bugs me(psychological factor i guess)even tho i know it can go much much higher and the amp doesnt clip easy it still bugs me(i calculated i can get @ 108db at 1m without clipping the amp witch is more than enough)

The Marantz is not particularly powerful, average in its class, but in this case it does not matter. The speakers are sensitive and this is more important, the amplifier is given a pretty easy time so will be fine.


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