Amplifier | Denon PMA-600 vs. Yamaha A-S301


Dec 9, 2020
Hello everyone,

Hi-fi newbie here! I'm looking for an amplifier to connect to my Rega Planar 1 turntable as well as a digital source. My budget is between 250€-350€ and I've narrowed it down to the Denon PMA-600 vs. Yamaha A-S301.

I've been reading a lot about the topic of amplifiers, including very interesting articles regarding how much can we really tell the differences between them. I've also read some positive as well as negative reviews about both products, and I've been back and forth with my decision.

Maybe here I can get some feedback (good and bad) from people that have either one of these amplifiers or even had the chance to try both of them. Hoping your feedback can tilt the balance for one of them!
Hello everyone,

Hi-fi newbie here! I'm looking for an amplifier to connect to my Rega Planar 1 turntable as well as a digital source. My budget is between 250€-350€ and I've narrowed it down to the Denon PMA-600 vs. Yamaha A-S301.

I've been reading a lot about the topic of amplifiers, including very interesting articles regarding how much can we really tell the differences between them. I've also read some positive as well as negative reviews about both products, and I've been back and forth with my decision.

Maybe here I can get some feedback (good and bad) from people that have either one of these amplifiers or even had the chance to try both of them. Hoping your feedback can tilt the balance for one of them!
Is there the possibility (however remote) that you may be able to hear both, with your own speakers?
May be difficult, but it would be far more useful to you than reading which one other people prefer.
Also, I'm guessing that article about differences might have made you suspect any differences could be insignificant. Again, plenty of people have opinions on that subject. You are the one that needs to judge.
I agree with @Gray that you ideally need to make the decision using your own ears.

My own preference would be for the Denon, but there's plenty of older amps I'd rather buy second hand than either of these.
Hello everyone,

Hi-fi newbie here! I'm looking for an amplifier to connect to my Rega Planar 1 turntable as well as a digital source. My budget is between 250€-350€ and I've narrowed it down to the Denon PMA-600 vs. Yamaha A-S301.

I've been reading a lot about the topic of amplifiers, including very interesting articles regarding how much can we really tell the differences between them. I've also read some positive as well as negative reviews about both products, and I've been back and forth with my decision.

Maybe here I can get some feedback (good and bad) from people that have either one of these amplifiers or even had the chance to try both of them. Hoping your feedback can tilt the balance for one of them!
I run both PMA600NE and Yamaha RN 803 (a much higher powered stereo receiver that has similar higher powered AS series amp inside).RN 803 is overlooked as its a receiver but the sound may surprise you .Its feature packed with BT/Wifi and room correction.
IMO I would tend to go with any Denon NE Series as it runs 4Ohms spkrs without any issues.


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