It's awesome. And thats with the limitations I'm putting my system through the moment - a temporary room change - speakers ports are firing at a window at the moment. My usual space has some room treatment for my studio side of things. I'll be re arranging this weekend probably.
Yesterday, I found myself uncontrollably laughing at how good it is.
Bass response in incredible. Love what it does there. HUGE upgrade. Space is another big factor. I love the scale and musicality of its show and I still havent gone through all my tunes yet.
Top end. I get why people would say its slightly darker up there. What I dont get is why people wouldnt like it. But I have just spent 3 weeks at a load of festivals in front of huge PA's so my ears maybe a little tired. Even so, this is perfect for me. I did NOT want anything to harsh. Anything more than this would have been to much. As I've said in previous posts I have some sealed AE22 boxes which deliver that sideof things.
What I have here, is the Hi fi experience I wanted....ah space....actually iot's more the sound stage...it's deep. Sorry I'm listening as I type and spotting things so this reply is more of a commentry.
Radiohead. Eveyrthing since Ok Computer sounds incredible, the depth is astounding. Certainly beats the Marantz 6004 😛 totally unfiair on it I know.
It's really made my speaker sing. Cno, you we're right, this does feel like a speaker and amp upgrade.
I love the detail, really am hearing things I've never heard before. Especially stuff if in thebackground. I listen to a lot of layered prog music, Tool, Oceansize etc and its really doing it justice.
I need to upgrade my stands though, they're just sat on some cheap 50 quid jobbies. Need some that will go to 'sitting at a desk height' so I'll maybe get some custom made from here...
Also quick quetsion, my interface has balanced jack outs, so I'm using some balance jack-xlr's into the CD xlr's in?
All in all I'm very happy.
next on the list is a DAC and some stands and then I'm pretty much sorted.
Thanks for the help guys, the gamble has paid off.