Amp to drive Dynadio Focus 110

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afterworks said:
Have decided to take a gamble and go with the Electrocabinet ECI5. I figure I can re sell it should I not like it but considering I'll be going from a £300 Marantz 6004 - I think I'll be suitable blown away.

I didn't fancy the nature of anything to forward. I have my studio monitors for that.

Thanks for everyone's suggestions. I'll let you know how I get on

I am a little nervous to say the least , demoing it would have been idea but just not possible. need to be nervous. I will be amazed if this doesn't surpass your expectations.

There are few better ways to spend £3k, let alone £1.6k.



There's a wonderful little amp, wich I use with my Dynaudio Excite X12: Heed Obelisk Si. It can drive my speakers easily (I've also bought the external power supply, the Heed X2), and have a detailed, non-fatiguing sound that is very musical. You can read the review from the Heed Obelisk Si in the "Reviews" section.

Hope this helps
afterworks said:
Thanks for all your input guys.

Have decided to take a gamble and go with the Electrocabinet ECI5. I figure I can re sell it should I not like it but considering I'll be going from a £300 Marantz 6004 - I think I'll be suitable blown away.

I didn't fancy the nature of anything to forward. I have my studio monitors for that.

Thanks for everyone's suggestions. I'll let you know how I get on

I am a little nervous to say the least , demoing it would have been idea but just not possible.

Congratulations and welcome to the club , you have just opened up a whole new world of music :rockout:

Like Cno I will be very surprised if you are not absolutely amazed at what the Electrocompaniet EC15 can deliver and we all look forward to hearing what you think of it 🙂

Just remember to let it warm up a bit before making any judgements ! it gets better and better the longer it is used. 🙂
If you don't mind me asking, what is your source....I ask as you are putting together a very nice system, and your speakers should sound like they've been upgraded as well.
Yeah no problem.

I don't actually have a CD player at the moment.

Everything I own has been put onto my computer. My source is my home mixing computer which has a Focusrite Saffire Pro 26 dealing with in and out.

I'm thinking of getting a DAC later on. Looking at an Abrahamsen V6 DAC. Not to expensive and been recomended elsewhere.

Yeah the guy at Kronos my speakers are going to sound an awful lot better, naturally he would but it makes sense.

I'm not really fussed about a CD player...I rip everything to WAV to my computer anyway.

Although I am going to get into some Vinyl and re buy my favourites.

What you thinking?
I drove some Dynaudio Contour 1.3 MK II speakers with my HK 990, while I love my amp and the HK 990 drove the Dyn's well, the combination with HK might be too polite, better pairing Dyn's with a more agressive sounding amp.
I'm thinking that you should hear a Linn DS before you get into vinyl. Depending on budget, a Sneaky or a Majik DS would be just the job...they don't sound too "digital".
Yes, while the Electrompaniet will do a far better job at driving the 110's however i've also got a feeling that this combination might be polite and somewhat flat sounding.


Rick @ Musicraft
Yeah I hear what your saying. But bare in mind, I'm using my set up pretty much all day. When I'm not away on tour, I'm working from home at my computer listening to music. Or I'm mixing at home...for which I already have some very forward and bright speakers for.

I'm looking for something with a big soundstage, I mean really lush sounds that I can deal with for hours on end at a decent volume.

I listen to everything from Tool - Dre Dre - Talk Talk (Laughing Stock, not that 80's sh*t) Cinematic Orchestra - Bon Iver - Sikth - Rage Against The Machine - Oceansize etc to give a few examples.
Yeah I hear what your saying. But bare in mind, I'm using my set up pretty much all day. When I'm not away on tour, I'm working from home at my computer listening to music. Or I'm mixing at home...for which I already have some very forward and bright speakers for.

I'm looking for something with a big soundstage, I mean really lush sounds that I can deal with for hours on end at a decent volume.

I listen to everything from Tool - Dre Dre - Talk Talk (Laughing Stock, not that 80's sh*t) Cinematic Orchestra - Bon Iver - Sikth - Rage Against The Machine - Oceansize etc to give a few examples.
afterworks said:
Yeah I hear what your saying. But bare in mind, I'm using my set up pretty much all day. When I'm not away on tour, I'm working from home at my computer listening to music. Or I'm mixing at home...for which I already have some very forward and bright speakers for.

I'm looking for something with a big soundstage, I mean really lush sounds that I can deal with for hours on end at a decent volume.

I listen to everything from Tool - Dre Dre - Talk Talk (Laughing Stock, not that 80's sh*t) Cinematic Orchestra - Bon Iver - Sikth - Rage Against The Machine - Oceansize etc to give a few examples.

Hi Ben

I feel that you also need to look at McIntosh amplification.

All the the best

Rick @ Musicraft
If I was to describe how I predict the Electrocompaniet will sound it would be like this .

The first thing that will hit you will be the size of the sound , if you close your eyes it will be almost impossible to tell where the speakers are in relation to sound field created , then it will be the extra octave of deep fast wonderfully textured and natural bass that was not even audible before , then you will hear a drum strike further back in the mix that is as plain as day and so realistic it will give you an instant buzz and you will think how is it possible that I can hear everything in the mix so clearly and naturally with real dynamics in a 3d image but the sound is not harsh or unpleasant .

Then you will completely stop analysing the music sit back and drift of into a world of music . 🙂

Then you will think oh ! I forgot to turn up the volume and when you do the whole experience just gets bigger and bigger 🙂

If I am wrong after you have listened to the EC15 please feel free to tell me and I will eat whatever hat I am wearing at the time :grin:
How are you getting on?....I always get a bit nervy when someone buys blind from my recommendation.
Not got it yet.

Paid for it today but unfortunately I go away for 3 weeks on Thursday so I'm delaying delivery until I come home.

Been nice though, been spending a lot of time with my Dynaudios and current amp, and really paying attention. Naturally I'm intruiged to see what an amp of that level will do!

One thing is for sure, I seriously love the Dynaudio Focus 110 speakers and I probably havent even heard what they're really capable of.
Amp is here.

Literally as I was pulling my suitcase out of the car, from getting home from the airport - DHL arrived with my new ECI5.

afterworks said:
Amp is here.

Literally as I was pulling my suitcase out of the car, from getting home from the airport - DHL arrived with my new ECI5.


I have found an old hat that is not too tough and have salt and pepper at the ready , but I am confident that I am not going to need it 😛ray: :grin:

It's awesome. And thats with the limitations I'm putting my system through the moment - a temporary room change - speakers ports are firing at a window at the moment. My usual space has some room treatment for my studio side of things. I'll be re arranging this weekend probably.

Yesterday, I found myself uncontrollably laughing at how good it is.

Bass response in incredible. Love what it does there. HUGE upgrade. Space is another big factor. I love the scale and musicality of its show and I still havent gone through all my tunes yet.

Top end. I get why people would say its slightly darker up there. What I dont get is why people wouldnt like it. But I have just spent 3 weeks at a load of festivals in front of huge PA's so my ears maybe a little tired. Even so, this is perfect for me. I did NOT want anything to harsh. Anything more than this would have been to much. As I've said in previous posts I have some sealed AE22 boxes which deliver that sideof things.

What I have here, is the Hi fi experience I wanted....ah space....actually iot's more the sound's deep. Sorry I'm listening as I type and spotting things so this reply is more of a commentry.

Radiohead. Eveyrthing since Ok Computer sounds incredible, the depth is astounding. Certainly beats the Marantz 6004 😛 totally unfiair on it I know.

It's really made my speaker sing. Cno, you we're right, this does feel like a speaker and amp upgrade.

I love the detail, really am hearing things I've never heard before. Especially stuff if in thebackground. I listen to a lot of layered prog music, Tool, Oceansize etc and its really doing it justice.

I need to upgrade my stands though, they're just sat on some cheap 50 quid jobbies. Need some that will go to 'sitting at a desk height' so I'll maybe get some custom made from here...

Also quick quetsion, my interface has balanced jack outs, so I'm using some balance jack-xlr's into the CD xlr's in?

All in all I'm very happy.

next on the list is a DAC and some stands and then I'm pretty much sorted.

Thanks for the help guys, the gamble has paid off.
That's good to hear, as I was going to offer to eat half the hat, being at least 50% responsible....and that much ruffage in one go would have played havoc!

Now with the right source ( 😛oke: Linn DS) and decent stands....... :bounce:
afterworks said:

It's awesome. And thats with the limitations I'm putting my system through the moment - a temporary room change - speakers ports are firing at a window at the moment. My usual space has some room treatment for my studio side of things. I'll be re arranging this weekend probably.

Yesterday, I found myself uncontrollably laughing at how good it is.

Bass response in incredible. Love what it does there. HUGE upgrade. Space is another big factor. I love the scale and musicality of its show and I still havent gone through all my tunes yet.

Top end. I get why people would say its slightly darker up there. What I dont get is why people wouldnt like it. But I have just spent 3 weeks at a load of festivals in front of huge PA's so my ears maybe a little tired. Even so, this is perfect for me. I did NOT want anything to harsh. Anything more than this would have been to much. As I've said in previous posts I have some sealed AE22 boxes which deliver that sideof things.

What I have here, is the Hi fi experience I wanted....ah space....actually iot's more the sound's deep. Sorry I'm listening as I type and spotting things so this reply is more of a commentry.

Radiohead. Eveyrthing since Ok Computer sounds incredible, the depth is astounding. Certainly beats the Marantz 6004 😛 totally unfiair on it I know.

It's really made my speaker sing. Cno, you we're right, this does feel like a speaker and amp upgrade.

I love the detail, really am hearing things I've never heard before. Especially stuff if in thebackground. I listen to a lot of layered prog music, Tool, Oceansize etc and its really doing it justice.

I need to upgrade my stands though, they're just sat on some cheap 50 quid jobbies. Need some that will go to 'sitting at a desk height' so I'll maybe get some custom made from here...

Also quick quetsion, my interface has balanced jack outs, so I'm using some balance jack-xlr's into the CD xlr's in?

All in all I'm very happy.

next on the list is a DAC and some stands and then I'm pretty much sorted.

Thanks for the help guys, the gamble has paid off.

I could get all big headed and say I told you so 8) but I'm not going too :grin: .

I am so glad you love the Electrocompaniet ECI 5 but I am not the slightest bit surprised that you do , it is a superb amplifier that just allows the music to shine through in a way that most amplifiers just can't achieve .

I love the bit where you say " Yesterday, I found myself uncontrollably laughing at how good it is."

I occasionally still do this even after more than 10 years of Electrocompaniet ownership :grin: That sense of scale and space coupled with the three dimensional layering of complex music is quite special isn't it :O Just wait until you play a well recorded live performance it will feel and sound almost real .

All you need to do now is add the Abrahamsen V6 dac which will match perfectly and increase the overall performance in a similar way again to give you a really top class unbeatable musical performance that is up there with the very best .

Well done and enjoy your music 🙂 .
You said .

"Also quick quetsion, my interface has balanced jack outs, so I'm using some balance jack-xlr's into the CD xlr's in?"

Yes it is best to use the balanced connections if you can .


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