gasolin said:
DougK said:
Sabbath moved-on from the Marantz to an Abrahamsen as he wanted more power... then moved onto a Yamaha AS2100 and stopped his search.
We can all sing the praises of our beloved Marantz's but it is in the ear of the beholder that the deal will be done.
Dosen't mean the marantz amp isn't good, he also have the bigger speakers, not the opticon 6's, he had problem with the abrahamsen amp and bought a different amp, also think the abrahamsen amp and certainly the yamaha AS2100 is alot more expensive than the marantz PM8005 (the Yamaha AS2100 cost in denmark where i live more than 2.5 than the marant PM8005 (just a bit over 16000, Marantz only 6000)
But thats why sabbath needed more power right? Because of the four 8" elements on the opticon 8s?
🙂 I was looking at the a-s1100 as well but then I would pair it with a cd-nt670 to stay in budget/functionality of the dac in it ,and I think that would be a worse solution since both the cd and dac sources will be lesser than the one in the sa8005… Anyway I hope the 70w are sufficient enough. Nonetheless I use an old 25w amp atm which is probably bad for the speakers themselves…
Anything will be an enormous step up for me as im quite new to hifi equipment.
also my posts on this forum has been nothing but nagging about what stuff to get, I hope to contribute more to the forums in the future! I work and study music for a living so this is all very exciting for me!