Amp for B+W 685 speakers?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Looking at buying the B+w 685s as heard them a long time ago and am ready to buy them as they sound great.Anybody own these speakers could recommend an amp for them.Ill probably be using a micromega cd player as transport. rga
NAD C326BEE or C355BEE.

I've just returned a loan pair of 685s after trying them at home for a few days, and they performed very well with my C325BEE. I had previously heard the 685s with a Marantz PM6002 and hated them, so it was interesting to hear how different they sounded on the end of the NAD. With my amp the 685s sounded very detailed and well balanced with no excess flab in the bass and no harshness in the treble. The fluid midrange of the NAD amplification also helps to counter the slightly recessed character of the 685s midrange so that voices have decent presence. With the Marantz they had sounded splashy at the top end and slow in the bass, which perhaps goes to show how revealing the 685s are of the electronics.

Ultimately the 685s still aren't for me. They are a bit dark sounding for my tastes and slightly on the safe side, but excellent speakers and talented all-rounders. Talking to my dealer colleagues, the next incoming stock is July so probably worth getting your name down on the list sooner rather than later!!

Apart from NAD, I'd also suggest trying a Rotel RA-04. If your budget is larger than that, then the Creek Evolution or the Roksan K2 are the stand-out products in the next bracket up. I also love the Naim Nait 5i (probably more than any other amp under £1k) but I'm not sure it would make a good match with the speakers.

Also worth trying the Rega Brio 3. Great value for money and capable of a very musical and spacious sound.
Filby1:If not the 685's what do you go with ?

If you have a Rega dealer near you, please try to hear the Rega RS1 standmounts. They are awesome. (About £390)
Filby1:If not the 685's what do you go with ?

There are plenty of other options in that price range, all of which are excellent in different ways:

Mordaunt-Short Mezzo 2
Dali Ikon 1
Focal Chorus 706v
Usher S520
Rega RS1 (I've only heard the previous R1, but would expect the RS1s to be just as good)

Although slightly cheaper, there is also the Dali Lektor 2s which give the 685s a good run for their money and give a more exciting, sparkling presentation.
Focals look good, 705's i think may be better for me

Rega RS1's look awfull but get good reviews

Ushers are 4 Ohms (I have an 8 Ohm amp) and the Dali Ikons also look awfull too
Focals look good, 705's i think may be better for me

Rega RS1's look awfull but get good reviews

Ushers are 4 Ohms (I have an 8 Ohm amp) and the Dali Ikons also look awfull too

...and the Mezzos? Might be worth looking at the Mezzo 1s if you're after something slightly smaller.
for me there No good there a 6 Ohm speaker i would like 8 Ohm for my Pioneer Amp
Im using the 1018AH, Its the "THX select 2 plus" i baught it because of the HDMI inputs and the decoding of Lossless.

Im sure, it would run 6 Ohm speakers and it does say there is more power per chan at 6 ohms, 150wpc vs 120wpc running at 8 Ohms but 8 Ohms is easyer to drive right?

Thats why i was leaning towards the Rega RS1's because of the 8 Ohms 90 db sensitivity and the fact there looking like the Ideal Hi-Res playing speakers for the lovery Bluray LossLess.
The pair of Rega RS1's I listened to recently were a pair on loan to the dealer that came in an optional high gloss black finish. (Looked v nice and cost around £40 extra I think)

The black obscures the shape of the grill (also black of course) which is the only element of the Rega RS1 that I could imagine you don't like the look of. ('cos otherwise it is a well finished, standard looking bookshelf speaker with a port at the back.)

High gloss black may match your TV/AV/Blu-ray equipment better and matches a lot of speaker stands.

Ask your Rega dealer to hear a pair. I heard them with a Naim Nait XS and CD5X and they were excellent.
What i really mean is the Rega's are plain, not as cool looking as the Tannoy Revolution, But im sure there well made, there aint a local dealer for 60 miles so a pre audition aint gona happen.

Did email the most local and they said. " We no longer have dealings with Rega" and that "They where never any good at home cinema/AV"

And that the "B&W 600's would be better".
Filby1:for me there No good there a 6 Ohm speaker i would like 8 Ohm for my Pioneer Amp

Don't be put off by the 6ohm spec - MA quotes it as minimum. Your amp will handle it with ease. Remember the minimum ohm rating of the 685 is 3.7. I'm using the 685 with a 25w Solo Mini - haven't blown up anything yet.

MA's 6ohm spec is just very honest - that's all. Give it a try.
Filby1:It says 6Ohm nominal on the MA site for the Silver RS1,

Well that's precisely what I meant - i.e. it should not dip below that. In contrast the nominal rating for the 685 is 3.7ohms.

So to repeat the OP has nothing to worry about in using the RS1.
am i being thick there, thought Nom ment normal Impedence of 6 ohms ?
Filby1:What i really mean is the Rega's are plain, not as cool looking as the Tannoy Revolution, But im sure there well made, there aint a local dealer for 60 miles so a pre audition aint gona happen.

Yes. I would never recommend buying any hifi without listening first,

B&W 685 have funky looking bass cones and MA look nice too.

Filby1:Did email the most local and they said. " We no longer have dealings with Rega" and that "They where never any good at home cinema/AV"

The only 'home cinema/AV' equipment Rega make (or made) is a centre speaker.

Sounds like Rega pulled the plug on that dealer and he is still a bit sore about it. Rega have been in business since the early 1970s and have always made excellent gear despite what one ex-dealer might say.
Like i said, im have to buy blind, its just too far really, and the chances of a dealer having my amp in a room like the speakers will be used in by me is slim, and because you only remember differences in audio for a very little amount of time, trvling between shops here and there. i dought i would be able to say which would be better or worse.

As it stands its looking more and more like the Rega R1's and center for now along with the BK monolith for the sub, and some Rega R5/R3's later to then go up front and move to a 7.1 system


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