Amp for AE1 MK 3 speaker


New member
Aug 10, 2019
6 month ago have bought a Cyrus Pre XPD + X Power but still have problems with my AE1 MK 3 speakers.

Too agressive treble and therefore will try to sell the combo. Just was wondering whether any of you have these speakers and which amp ? I'am seriously thinking of having a trial with Naim 152/155XS. Perhaps some of you have heard such a combination already.


I use a pair of these at the moment, Edgar, driven by a Naim XS integrated and Flatcap power supply. I'm pleased with it.
Edgar Eichmann:
6 month ago have bought a Cyrus Pre XPD + X Power but still have problems with my AE1 MK 3 speakers.

Too agressive treble and therefore will try to sell the combo. Just was wondering whether any of you have these speakers and which amp ? I'am seriously thinking of having a trial with Naim 152/155XS. Perhaps some of you have heard such a combination already.



Hi Edgar Eichmann

Naim's NAC 152 XS/NAP 155 XS will work well with your speakers. If your budget allows then ATC's SIA2-150 MK2 and Naim's NAC 202/NAP 200 are also worth considering.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
We use a Naim Supernait in development if that helps! (with a little assistance from an AVI Lab Series integrated and Audiolab 8000a in our 2nd and 3rd test systems)

I've not been keen on Cyrus partnered with our speakers for exactly the reason you state, just a bad combination, not a reflection on either product.
We use a Naim Supernait in development if that helps! (with a little assistance from an AVI Lab Series integrated and Audiolab 8000a in our 2nd and 3rd test systems)

Hi Jim, how does the Audiolab 8000a fare at powering the mk3s? I've currently got an 8000a with AE1 classics, and almost every time I mention this to a dealer I get a very quizzical look and a "really? an Audiolab with AE1s???" Sounds fantastic to me, don't know what they're on about.
The Audiolab was a good amp, it's quoted 60 watt output was also a little on the conservative side and it handles the AE1's just fine! You will get more grip and control over the speaker with a more powerful amp I'm sure but as a pairing I've found them very pleasant to listen to, if you fancied upgrading I'd recommend the matching Audiolab power amp if you like the "dry" character the combination generally has...

The MkIII's are slightly different, though the Classic's were a fairly demanding speaker I've found the MkIII even more so - they simply don't work that well without strong current delivery and can even bottom out at fairly low levels if not partnered well. The more you give them the better they will perform, the best I've heard them was on 300+ watts of exotic amp in the US (I forget the brand unfortunately). Because they go very low in the bass compared to most similar sized speakers you really do need control over the driver, the Classic's, though hard to drive didn't suffer the same problem.
Thanks for the answer Jim, I think if I were to get some Mk3s the Audiolab would only be a very temporary measure anyway, I think it's retirement is fast approaching...