alledged read probs on audiolab 8200cd


New member
Aug 10, 2019
hi forum, saw some reviews online about the new audiolabs 8200cd and its probs reading burnt some CD's and some original CD's.

is there any truth in that and would the same problem then be in the audiolabs 8200CDQ.

any advise greatly appreciatted.


kit, monitor audio gr60, ma rsw12 sub, chord odyssy



I'm having this issue with a recently purchased 8200CD myself. I'm in the middle of getting tech support from IAG regarding a necessary firmware upgrade, so it would appear to be a recognised problem. I can't say I've noticed a consistent pattern in terms of which CDs aren't being read properly. Every so often I get a "reading error" when loading a CD, but on other occasions it plays the same CD quite happily. I've got no idea whether the same issue occurs with the CDQ.

I'd suggest if you want specific information about whether the issue has been sorted for new releases or whatever, that you get in touch with the manufacturers. I have an e-mail address for tech support helpdesk if you want to send me a message. Obviously I can let you know how I get on, but it looks as though I will need to send the box in for an upgrade.

BTW, it probably goes without saying that when it's working properly, it sounds bleedin' fantastic!


thanks for the email addrs and advise. Im guessing the 8200 cdq and 8200p ower amp are too new for reviews and so feedback so i need be more patient.

thanks again for your advise


thanks for the email addrs and advise. Im guessing the 8200 cdq and
8200p ower amp are too new for reviews and so feedback so i need be more

thanks again for your advise


I have a 8200 CDQ and yes the disc read error issue is causing me problems. I heard from my dealer that Audiolab need to do a firmware update at the factory. I am getting mine replaced in a few weeks. I get it on quite a few of my properly pressed CDs. Usually when skipping tracks and releasing a track after it has been paused. Ejecting the disc and then loading again seems to get it going again.


thanks for the advise, Im glad i got it from a good shop so can return it for this firmware update you mention if need be.

knew there would be a risk with getting something very new and unique-cd and dac and preamp in one



Quick update from me. Audiolab collected my 8200CD last week and did a firmware upgrade, I'm expecting it back tomorrow. I mention this now because they called to make me aware that there is another new software release expected next week, so just in case anyone wanted to wait till then. I just asked them to send the CD player back as it is, all assuming that the reading error problem has been cured. I know these are complicated beasts these days but as long as it plays my CDs I'm not too fussed about whatever bells and whistles are going on.

I'll update again once I know that the firmware upgrade has done the trick.


New member
May 4, 2011
Hi PhilPub. I have a CDQ on order and just wondered if the firmware update did the trick on your player? Also, I read on another forum about one owner having problems with his 8200 scratching disc's!? Have you experienced this?


I know this thread has been quiet for a long time but my 8200CDQ has had the disc read error issue for some time now but I've put up with it until recently when it's got worse. The unit was a replacement direct from Audiolab in August 2011 so should have had the firmware updates you speak of.

I've contacted Audiolab (IAG) this morning and will see what they say to do. I know they will fix the issue but I must admit to feeling a loss of faith as this is not the first time I've had a problem with the CDQ. Makes you wonder if it's just too complicated for it's own good.

Frank Harvey

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2008
It's not so much that it's a complicated machine, it's more to do with manufacturers producing hardware that conforms to Red Book CD standards. Record companies push these boundaries and exceed standards, which can then cause problems for players. With the amount of recordable CD's that are available, the potential for issues is huge.