Advice on HiFi Purchase


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Just moved place and had a Bose hifi in previous witht he littel cube speakers, want to get a new hifi system of separates and floor standing speakers, can anyone advise what kind of system would be good and how muhc I need to spend, want to improve on the Bose sound quality first and foremost, think that system was around 1800 pounds but seemed more style over substance, looked on Richer Sounds website seems have some cd players for 600 and amps for 600 etc what do I need to constitute a full system for listening to cd's and what bits woudl you people recommend?
Ok. Listen up. I'll give you some great advice. The following will blow away any bose system (which are rubbish IMO).

NAD C355BEE amplifier, NAD C545BEE CD player, Monitor Audio RS6 = Total price £1200 (if you look for a good deal)


Cambridge 650A amp, Cambridge 650C CD player, Monitor Audio RS6 = Total price £1200
Here's my advice: talk to a local hi fi dealer who has demo facilities (which precludes Richer Sounds, unfortunately). Tell them what your budget is, and arrange a time to go along and listen to whatever equipment they suggest. Take some CDs you know very well.
As above you need to demo some kit but, you will need the following AMP (integrated) CD Player, speakers, analogue interconnect and speaker cable. General rule is 10% of budget on cabling (£180) so that leaves a fair bit for the CDP and AMP

I would suggest demoing the folowing:-

CD Player Rega Apollo £475

Amp either Rega Mira 3 (£325), Rega Brio 3 (£598) or Naim Nait 5i (£725)

Speakers Rega R3 (£349) or R5 (£498) dependant upon your room size

Interconnect Chord Chameleon Silver Plus (£125)

Speaker Cable: Chord Carnival Silverscreen £6 / m

Hope this helps.
Thanks for this advice will definetly go listen to some stuff and look at the complonents you reocmmended, thansk guys.
I am no expert but i have just upgraded from some oldish Techincs stuff and my trusty old MS10 speakers. i was that impressed by the gear I listened to I ended up effectively upgrading twice in one go!! Not expressing a specific opinion but I reckon you wont go far wrong with the marantz 6003 amp and cd plus some decent speakers like Mordaunt Short Mezzos? or if you can go for bookshelf maybe something like the new Wharfdale Diamonds which are meant to be very, very good. Add decent speaker cable (chord Rumour 2) and a decent Interconnect and you will have a very nice system.

I have now got the marantz SA7001'KI' CD, PM7001 Amp, Kef QX10 speakers (which I love) Chord Rumour 2 spkr cable, Chord Chameleon Silver+ IC and the system sounds fab. I started with the 6001(or2?) and that sounded VERY good but the deals to upgrade to the above were too tempting. When i put my old technics CD player through the Marantz 6000 amp initially the improvement was astonishing.
In fact looking back at your post and budget you could go for a similar system to mine with the newer shaped marantz kit and some better speakers. There are some awesome deals arround on my Kefs and they look as good as they sound.