Hello, I recently acquired the Denon DCD SA1 as part of a major step up. Using PMC OB1i's. Current amp Arcam A38 but looking to graduate to a power/pre-amp combo. I would welcome suggestions.
Well you don't hear the name Bryston on this forum a lot but I am totally sold on their pre-amp; and although I don't have their power amp (yet) I certainly see one in my near future. The BP26 with the DAC option really is outstanding. I'm sure that combined with an SST amp would be everything you want in an amp/preamp combo.
Thanks, the Bryston duo is on the 'options' list. I understand that the synergy between PMC and Bryston is highly rated. My difficulty is that I live in the Outer Hebrides and am therefore unable to access audio hi-fi locally. Essentially this means lengthy overnight visits to the mainland. Not a problem in itself but it does limit my opportunities to listen to various set ups.
Be aware that seperate pre/power isn't ALWAYS better than an integrated and there are many ex-owners of big pre-power combos that have ended up going back to top end integrateds.
Almost exclusively classical and opera. The system must be capable with both large orchestral forces and intimate solo/chamber music. I take your point, perhaps I do'nt need to go down the pre/power road.....if I do it will be a first. The DCD SA1 replaced the very musical Arcam CD192. I Have been bowled over by the improvement in detail shown up by the SA1 especially with the OB1i's which recently replaced my 8 year old FB1's and cannot help but believe that the result can be ratcheted up if I can identify the right Amp....Integrated or pre/power comb.
Be aware that seperate pre/power isn't ALWAYS better than an integrated and there are many ex-owners of big pre-power combos that have ended up going back to top end integrateds.
Absolutely true - you have to consider each manufacture and product on it's own merits. When I auditioned the 805s speakers it was through a Moon integrated amp - sounded absolutely wonderful.