Advice on a 2 Ch. Power Amp - second hand


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Aug 10, 2019
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I need some help here! Trying to find a stereo power amp on the second hand market to go with the Meridian 562v(+dac) pre-amp I bought second hand last weekend. It's to feed a pair of Dali Ikon 6 loudspeakers in the bedroom, with a Toshiba DVD SD900e as the source, along with my Humax Freeview Hard Disk Recorder for TV and Radio audio.

At the moment I'm looking the following:

Meridian 556
Linn LK140
Linn Klout

Wondered what alternatives you might all recommend from between £300-500 secondhand. Looking at quite classic gear here, 5-15 years old.

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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Ah, now if only this would stick at its starting price


Clare Newsome:Ah, now if only this would stick at its starting price

Thanks very much for that. Will keep an eye on it. Never heard any Quad gear. Very confussed about their high end vs. budget kit. Have no idea where the later ends and the former begins. I take it the Quad 909 is a great power amp? I'd been ignoring Quad, but I'll revisit since you've suggested it.

Is there any point in my looking at Naim gear? Seems to hold it's value very very well and again, it's a brand I know by reputation but I've never heard any and don't know what their gear fetches second hand. Any suggestions?

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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Plenty of happy Quad 909 users on these Forums (myself included!) Review here; most recent thread here, including fact that someone picked up an ex-demo unit for £425 recently - plenty more if you input Quad 909 into the search box.

Not sure you'll find a Naim power-amp at the price-level you're after - the ones we've raved about have tended to start well into four-figure territory.


Thanks all.

Really keen on the main old British manufacturers, like Quad, Linn, Meridian and those esoteric brands that pop up once in a while. Just can be hard to find second hand, you have to have eagle eyes and a fast finger on the mouse!

The Linn Klout get's fantastic write-ups, wonder how it fairs against the Meridian 557 (which I can't afford annoyingly!) I'm hoping the 556 will be more than adequate.

Watched Slumdog again last night with friends on the system in my signature. God it's got a fantastic soundtrack and my Dali's and Arcam sang. Makes you forgive the Arcam all it's quirks!