Add a Floor stander?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Quick query

So in the master bedroom of my new build I have 2 Mission M30i wall mounted speakers above (or near enough to) either side of my bed….All my systems, including the amplifier to house the speaker wire are on a wall directly opposite the wall where the bed is…The TV will also be wall mounted here and connected up to the stereo/amp..

I also have a spare brand new M34i Floor stander and was wondering would it be worthwhile and more importantly sound enhancing to add this to the mix....? What about locating it as a “quasi” centre type speaker at the amplifier which is beneath the wall TV….?? I haven't laid carpet yet so in theory it could be located somewhere else within reason and run the wire under the carpet back to the amp....

I suppose in effect it would be a 3.1 system if I was also to source a cheap-ish sub woofer…..? Is it worthwhile doing this given I already have the M34i floor-stander sitting there as a spare...??

Systems to run off it will be the TV, the radio and CD player on the AMP (with IPOD dock) and hopefully a Sonos...

All advice greatly appreciated..

Just stick with the pair of M30is. If you try to use the M34 it'll be a hideous mess.

Best plan would be to stand-mount the M30is rather than wall mount, then you can move them about to tune the sound to your liking. Wall-mounted speakers can get boomy (that's not good), especially if near corners...

thanks for the reply.... Would it still be woth adding a relatively cheap sub to make it a 2.1..??

Any one got any other opinions.....

still have the spare floorstander...!!
Ah, sorry for the delayed response...

Adding a sub would be a better way to go. The Wharfedale SW150 or SW250 (£250 or £300 respectively) would do the job nicely.

You could always try and shift the single floorstander on eBay- just be sure to clearly mark it as a single speaker. There's bound to be someone out there who'll find a use for it!
Hi again and thanks for reply and recommendation regarding the sub...I will get on that asap...

Regarding spare floorstander, I suppose I can stick it on good old ebay...!!

thanks again


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