Active vs Passive speakers


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all

I've been a very llucky boy and have just installed a studio for music listening, DJing etc in the garden. So it's new speakers time.

Would you go for these (well worn award winners)

or these (and ditch your amp... bit of a big jump for me tbh)

I do a bit of DJing but also quite a bit of listening so a bit worried I'll lose something if I get the monitors...

TIA for any help
There a some very good active speakers about the Krks Genelics? Yamaha and Avi. Just like Passive speakers they are all different, some offer Dac and pre amps others you would need to buy say a Berrisford Caymen or similar. I personally love the sound of my Avi 9.1s but I haven't heard the others, when I was auditioning I was looking at Cyrus 8 case/and pre/power with Pmc Gbi's and Naim Nait 5i cd/amp withe there Nsats.
I hope this helps Nick


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