Acquired a Systemdek IIX

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the record spot

I came by a Systemdek IIX record deck a few days ago. I think it's an earlier model (serial number begins 88); teardrop shaped armboard, Moth RB250 arm and my query is what can I do to bring this deck up to spec today? Is it worth me taking the RB300 off my P3, or should I go for a rewire (sometime in the new year) from a company like Origin Live? Can I get away with putting on a new cartridge alone, or would the rewire be worth it? Not listened to it just yet, it doesn't have an earth wire but it does have an earthing terminal on the rear which I can connect a wire to the back of my amp (Marantz 6010-KIS). I know about the Goldring and Ortofon new models, but how about cartridges such as the DL103 or 110 MC (which can be fitted to a MM only amp)? I hear great things about those as well as other carts, so some suggestions would be welcome!
The only experience I have of the kit is that one of my old mates used to have a Systemdek, not sure which model. He replaced the arm for a RB300 and it sang. He never had a 250 on it so the comparison is hard of course.

I've no further first hand knowledge to impart but the second and third hand stuff is :

The RB250 is allegedly more amenable to tweaking than the 300 because it's a little simpler so there's less clutter to get in the way of the noise (I believe the anti-skate mechanism is the culprit?).

I'd plug it in as it is and see how it sounds first!!!!
the denon 103 is a low output mc so the 110 is the way to go.what cartridge do you have on your rega,can you not try that for the time for the arm leave well alone,the 250 is a very good arm and the only thing you may need to change is the counterweight to somthing like the tecnoweight.rewiring will not bring a massive difference but the weight will.good luck,gregory.
Thanks for this - ended up going with the Audio Technica AT440-MLa catridge which is apprently (not received it yet) a rather open and analytical type. A good tracker as well by all accounts.
at cartridges are great,i think you will enjoy but give it at least 20 plays before it beds in and make sure it is aligned correctly.they track like a bloodhound between 1.5 and 2 gms.i take it you are familiar with the rega arms settings,if not you can download it from the rega website as there are no markings on the dial of the counterweight,which of course you already know.please report back with your findings as i am contemplating getting this cartridge myself to upgrade from the at 95e which again is a cracker.all the best,gregory.


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