Hello Hifidivided.
I speacially register under this page to talk with you. I know it's difficult to find good informations on the web and particulary for those kind of question, it need answer from persons that tried out those things.
I'm making different tests since the middle of fall 2012, and I compared the Accuphase e-260 with the e-360 and against other opponents from other brands like luxman, mc intosh, audia, leema, atc, accustic arts, goldmund and others... The tests was made in a professionnal recording studio in my neighborhood. A near perfectly treated accoustic room. I always used the same speakers and the same CD Player, for putting out the factor that could come from the dac of the cd player. Only exception was with the Luxman L-505ux and the L-550ax that was feeded with their own luxman cd player. Mostly, the cd player was an accuphase dp400 and the speakers was a B&W804d and a Xavian XN270. All the current was filtered.
I will recommend you to be happy with the E-260. Why ? Because you will need a KILLER ROOM to hear a little-tiny-thing-so-difficult-to-identify-that-you-will-believe-it's-psycho-accustic. Really, a lot of times, I believed I was confronted to psychological differences and had hard time to point out what will be very different between both. I could, after a long period, point out that some details fly a little bit better in the room with the E-360. The dynamic was minimalisticly more fine on the E-360, but, all those "better qualities" are so difficult to point out as if you analyse the exact flying pattern of two 9mm bullets fired from a gun.
The seller gave the one good advice. It's to never put the E-260 on speakers that are needing currents less than 4 ohms. Because he don't like that.
Another bad point of the E-260 in regard of the E-360, are the little pusher plastic buttons, that are more fragile than those on the E-360, that are standard. So, If you plan to play a lot with them, you will need to beware of that because the probability of a break in ten or twenty years is existing.
Actually, in Europe, there is a serious problem of reliability of the ..60 serie of accuphase too. I'm on different forum, and, simultanously, more persons than usual started to complain about problems with their new ..60. Often, it's humming or background noise, sometimes it's bad mounted vu-meter needle, sometime it's... simple breakdown. Be aware of that if you choose to turn yourself for a used one.
I hope it could help you out.
Then, other brands was recommended to you by other forumers. But all of them, although Luxman, have their own way to make sound. This is nuances but it will really depend about your tastes.
The Luxman L-505ux, for example, was (a bit) cheaper as the Accuphase E-260, and was equipped with a built in phono pre that is not bad. But he was flatter in the dynamic. He wasn't able to allow me to listen to some details of an accustic guitar player., The curve of the guitar strings was sharply followed and retraced by the accuphase, the luxman stopped before that and give "the great part of it". The toms of a drum wasn't so deep on the l-505ux. You could really listen to the end of the recording room with the e-260. Some details, when a lot of details came together, was simplified with the l-505ux, but they was clearly defined one in the other, when the e-260 was playing. The bass was less deep with the luxman as with the accuphase. Both musical scene was large and the artists takes position on those.
But this are all details, if you like it more "laid back", this tendence to not show you the last inch of detail could clearly be your cup of tea and make the Luxman interesting for you. In the other way, if you like this "closer to reallity" feeling of the accuphase, go for it.
Bad thing about the luxman :
-The volume knob is of awful quality and is nothing like a japanese brand, renowned for that, should make. It's a tiny film of aluminium that is layered on a plastic button. The way it gives volume is bad made too, 75% of the sound volume came in the 1/2 position, so you loose the run of the other half.
- the prices of Luxman are raising so high that they doubled of price in less than 5 years.
Oh yeah, and I'm a new member. Hello guy's ! Yes I'm a woman, but I warn you, I'm only here for speaking about hifi. Be clearly aware of that !