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33RPM said:of what I heard last night, bringing a pre-amp into the setup.
The pre-amp was an (expensive) audionet pre. We couldn't use the balanced outputs though because we had XLR cables with the wrong terminals. After warming up etc... we noticed a slight improvement in stereo image with the Abrahamsen, but detail sank away further making the presentation absolutely dull. Maybe some more warming up would have cured this for some lenghth. But thats the price of amp swapping.
With the Bel Canto there was virtually no change except for a light veiling of detail.
Conclusion one: using a passive amp works fine and gave a better results then a pre in terms of clarity for both amps. I'm keeping it.
Conclusion two: The Abrahamsen didn't benefit. of the use of a pre-amp. It lost some of (to my ears) its main qualities: the fine midband, with beguiling voice, guitar and/or solo instruments. Bass stayed muddled and detail insufficient. I think a single amp lacks the power to drive the PMCs to full potential. It just didn't meet the right company to shine. Maybe I get the change to try two bridged amps and will this turn things for the better. Power seems key.
Conclusion three: putting the Bel Canto and the Abrahamsen next to each other highlighted strenghts and weaknesses of both amps. The voices of the Bel Canto seemed a bit artificial and thin in comparison with the Abrahamsen, while the Abrahamsen lacked control. The Bel Canto manages on the other hand to give a fine sense of placement of instruments and detail. I will have to look further, but have learned alot.
Note: maybe my sources could be of better quality, but as I heard them perform well in different areas (detail, midrange, bass, control..) depending on the amp, I don't expect there lies a big problem. I also swapped power cables and interconnects to make sure there was no problem there.
From your description it seems like an preamp output / power amp input mismatch.
It is usually ( but not always ) best to use a preamp from the same manufacturer to avoid what you are experiencing .
The Abrahamsen should power you FB1i's easily with plenty to spare, don't be fooled by the 70 wpc output they can provide a massive amount of transient power using very high current output under dynamic conditions also bass control is one of the Abrahamsen strengths so I can only think there is another factor at play here .
I would also check out the Nord power amps from IQ speakers they might be more to your taste.