Abrahamsen amplifiers

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I have been listening to music and buying hifi for 4 decades by now. In time my music collection grew, my taste in music shifted somewhat and I tried, listened to and owned alot of systems. The turning point was in the late eighties, when I heard a full Naim/linn system. That was what I wanted (but could't afford).

The last decade I could. So I gradually put together a Naim system. I didn't like their CD players so mainly stayed with my LP12/Aro/Micro Benz/Ear for listening purposes, next to a Rotel and then Sony CD.
Then I bought two or three years ago a cheapo Pioneer N50 Network player(stil didn't considered digital as a serious format). It replaced CD player and TEAC Dac and opened the world of streaming and high resolution. So I got more interested.

I was still missing something in the sound of the Naim amps meanwhile. By that time I had a Nap 250/HiCap/200 with PMC FB1i. So I tried Avondale and finally Teddy Pardo amps. Those kept me happy for more then two years. Their strong points being a wide stereo image, fantastic PRAT and slam and amazing seperation of instruments so I could really understand what was going on in recordings.

Their weak points were a somewhat 2dimensional stereo image, witch was a bit on the low side. In orchestral music, it was like looking down on the orchestra. And I also lacked athmosphere and timbre in instruments. As someone who goes to classical concerts regularly I have I think a fairly good idea how music should sound. If it were only for rock, they would have stayed for ever. Amazing!
For classical I still wanted a bit more sense of 'being there'. So I ended up very briefly with LFD. That gave me the detail, presence and stereo image I was looking for, BUT at the expense of power, slam. All my rock albums became illistenable because the guitars were gone.......

Meanwhile I went to dems of amps like Bryston and a few more, but couldn(t find anything to my taste and most of all my financial means.

I am now experimenting with chip amps: amazing sound for the money, but not really serious' enough for like say Mahler or Rammstein.

I learned that in order to get a good sound i need enough power (the Pardo was 2 100Watt monoblocks), transparency - so I bought a simple passive pre-amp and going to try some power amps. As I said I am looking for something that the grunt to play any kind of music from metal to 'classical' music, with enough isight and instrument separation, a realistic soundstage and a neutral rendition of the sound of classical instruments. With a violin some amps let your hear the strings, others the body of the violin, but both.... So a hard task there.

So now I borrowed an Abrahamsen. How does it fares till now (I have it since yesterday and the passive pre is new - needs a bit of setteling in)?

On the plus side: natural sound, very good mid-low, moderately deep and high sound stage and presence. Fine detail and hints of a sound stage, slightly warm sound, without any harshness.

On the minus side: not much deep bass, and what there is is muddled, the resolution of high tones is alsolimited. My taste is for a touch more transparency . I understand that briding and using two amps would probably help out on the bass and sound stage side, but I wonder if the veil will go off after a few days of use and warming up...

The most important thing is fun of course. My next amp will be one where I don't get distracted by its faults and just enjoy listening.

To be continued
33RPM said:
I have been listening to music and buying hifi for 4 decades by now. In time my music collection grew, my taste in music shifted somewhat and I tried, listened to and owned alot of systems. The turning point was in the late eighties, when I heard a full Naim/linn system. That was what I wanted (but could't afford).

The last decade I could. So I gradually put together a Naim system. I didn't like their CD players so mainly stayed with my LP12/Aro/Micro Benz/Ear for listening purposes, next to a Rotel and then Sony CD.Then I bought two or three years ago a cheapo Pioneer N50 Network player(stil didn't considered digital as a serious format). It replaced CD player and TEAC Dac and opened the world of streaming and high resolution. So I got more interested.

I was still missing something in the sound of the Naim amps meanwhile. By that time I had a Nap 250/HiCap/200 with PMC FB1i. So I tried Avondale and finally Teddy Pardo amps. Those kept me happy for more then two years. Their strong points being a wide stereo image, fantastic PRAT and slam and amazing seperation of instruments so I could really understand what was going on in recordings.

Their weak points were a somewhat 2dimensional stereo image, witch was a bit on the low side. In orchestral music, it was like looking down on the orchestra. And I also lacked athmosphere and timbre in instruments. As someone who goes to classical concerts regularly I have I think a fairly good idea how music should sound. If it were only for rock, they would have stayed for ever. Amazing!For classical I still wanted a bit more sense of 'being there'. So I ended up very briefly with LFD. That gave me the detail, presence and stereo image I was looking for, BUT at the expense of power, slam. All my rock albums became illistenable because the guitars were gone.......

Meanwhile I went to dems of amps like Bryston and a few more, but couldn(t find anything to my taste and most of all my financial means.

I am now experimenting with chip amps: amazing sound for the money, but not really serious' enough for like say Mahler or Rammstein.

I learned that in order to get a good sound i need enough power (the Pardo was 2 100Watt monoblocks), transparency - so I bought a simple passive pre-amp and going to try some power amps. As I said I am looking for something that the grunt to play any kind of music from metal to 'classical' music, with enough isight and instrument separation, a realistic soundstage and a neutral rendition of the sound of classical instruments. With a violin some amps let your hear the strings, others the body of the violin, but both.... So a hard task there.

So now I borrowed an Abrahamsen. How does it fares till now (I have it since yesterday and the passive pre is new - needs a bit of setteling in)?

On the plus side: natural sound, very good mid-low, moderately deep and high sound stage and presence. Fine detail and hints of a sound stage, slightly warm sound, without any harshness.

On the minus side: not much deep bass, and what there is is muddled, the resolution of high tones is alsolimited. My taste is for a touch more transparency . I understand that briding and using two amps would probably help out on the bass and sound stage side, but I wonder if the veil will go off after a few days of use and warming up...

The most important thing is fun of course. My next amp will be one where I don't get distracted by its faults and just enjoy listening.

To be continued
what speakers are you using. ?
Blacksabbath25 said:
33RPM said:
I have been listening to music and buying hifi for 4 decades by now. In time my music collection grew, my taste in music shifted somewhat and I tried, listened to and owned alot of systems. The turning point was in the late eighties, when I heard a full Naim/linn system. That was what I wanted (but could't afford).

The last decade I could. So I gradually put together a Naim system. I didn't like their CD players so mainly stayed with my LP12/Aro/Micro Benz/Ear for listening purposes, next to a Rotel and then Sony CD.Then I bought two or three years ago a cheapo Pioneer N50 Network player(stil didn't considered digital as a serious format). It replaced CD player and TEAC Dac and opened the world of streaming and high resolution. So I got more interested.

I was still missing something in the sound of the Naim amps meanwhile. By that time I had a Nap 250/HiCap/200 with PMC FB1i. So I tried Avondale and finally Teddy Pardo amps. Those kept me happy for more then two years. Their strong points being a wide stereo image, fantastic PRAT and slam and amazing seperation of instruments so I could really understand what was going on in recordings.

Their weak points were a somewhat 2dimensional stereo image, witch was a bit on the low side. In orchestral music, it was like looking down on the orchestra. And I also lacked athmosphere and timbre in instruments. As someone who goes to classical concerts regularly I have I think a fairly good idea how music should sound. If it were only for rock, they would have stayed for ever. Amazing!For classical I still wanted a bit more sense of 'being there'. So I ended up very briefly with LFD. That gave me the detail, presence and stereo image I was looking for, BUT at the expense of power, slam. All my rock albums became illistenable because the guitars were gone.......

Meanwhile I went to dems of amps like Bryston and a few more, but couldn(t find anything to my taste and most of all my financial means.

I am now experimenting with chip amps: amazing sound for the money, but not really serious' enough for like say Mahler or Rammstein.

I learned that in order to get a good sound i need enough power (the Pardo was 2 100Watt monoblocks), transparency - so I bought a simple passive pre-amp and going to try some power amps. As I said I am looking for something that the grunt to play any kind of music from metal to 'classical' music, with enough isight and instrument separation, a realistic soundstage and a neutral rendition of the sound of classical instruments. With a violin some amps let your hear the strings, others the body of the violin, but both.... So a hard task there.

So now I borrowed an Abrahamsen. How does it fares till now (I have it since yesterday and the passive pre is new - needs a bit of setteling in)?

On the plus side: natural sound, very good mid-low, moderately deep and high sound stage and presence. Fine detail and hints of a sound stage, slightly warm sound, without any harshness.

On the minus side: not much deep bass, and what there is is muddled, the resolution of high tones is alsolimited. My taste is for a touch more transparency . I understand that briding and using two amps would probably help out on the bass and sound stage side, but I wonder if the veil will go off after a few days of use and warming up...

The most important thing is fun of course. My next amp will be one where I don't get distracted by its faults and just enjoy listening.

To be continued
what speakers are you using. ?

More to the point what passive preamp. ;-)
33RPM said:
Tisbury. Ordered one after a bit of looking around. Seemed decent enough.
hi just looked up your pre amp it's a mini passive preamplifier 2 I have never heard of this company before but see that the pre-amp only costs £129 and it's made in the uk which is good but were the abrahamsen 4up costs £920 with post it's a bit odd that you maybe going to spend £1000 on a abrahamsen 4up but only a £129 on a pre-amp I am sorry if this comes across rude but I am not trying to be I would of thought it would be better matching the abrahamsen 4up with the abrahamsen 3up as they are well made for each other . What speakers are you using ? Because if your got cheap speakers then the sound will sound muddy with speakers that are not controlled probably . I have no issues with muddy sound and I am using the abrahamsen 2up amp
Many thx for your reply. I know the disadvantages of a passive pre amp. Ideally it comes with a transformer. But as it is very simple to make shouldn't cost alot. transformerless I know I can expect more control and image with a dedicated pre-amp. On the other hand my main issue with amps has been in the past the lack of transparency in the highs and a sense of being there in the venue. I don't mind spending a bit of money on a pre amp once I found the right power amp. But I couldn't get hold of a V3.0 hence this simple solution for assessing the amp.

Meanwhile I let it warm for a few days now. Further impressions are of a very good sound with pop vinyl records. With digital it does voices very well, but (a matter of tast of course) its a bit slower and less detailed then what I'm used to from previous amps I owned. But I'm a long way from passing final judgement. I will let it grow on me.
33RPM said:
Many thx for your reply. I know the disadvantages of a passive pre amp. Ideally it comes with a transformer. But as it is very simple to make shouldn't cost alot. transformerless I know I can expect more control and image with a dedicated pre-amp. On the other hand my main issue with amps has been in the past the lack of transparency in the highs and a sense of being there in the venue. I don't mind spending a bit of money on a pre amp once I found the right power amp. But I couldn't get hold of a V3.0 hence this simple solution for assessing the amp.

Meanwhile I let it warm for a few days now. Further impressions are of a very good sound with pop vinyl records. With digital it does voices very well, but (a matter of tast of course) its a bit slower and less detailed then what I'm used to from previous amps I owned. But I'm a long way from passing final judgement. I will let it grow on me.

What do you mean by slower? Do you mean it literally sounds slower, as in the music sounds slower? If so, then this is the illusion a faster amp creates. An amp capable of separating more from the music, and give more detail, will make the tempo sound slower. But better.
In my experience there is quite a difference in presentation between passive and active preamps .

Most power amps sound more dynamic lively and detailed with an active preamp so I would also agree that the Abrahamsen V 3.0 preamp would give you that extra bit of drive, clarity and detail that you are looking for.

It is a personal thing but I much prefer the sound of a good active preamp.

One exception is with Cyrus power amps, a good passive preamp seems to work very well with Cyrus ime.
Well I know the abrahamsen 4up has the same power supply as my 2up has which is A 1000va supply so I know with mine the amp has the drive , detail , and the slam and grip . I have never heard the PMC speakers that you have so I can not comment on what they are capable off sound wise but would of thought the abrahamsen would sound good with your speakers but if it was me I would try and get the abrahamsen 3up to go with the 4up as then you could use the balanced XLR inputs on the 4up
winiar550 said:
I have one available for sale if someone is interested.
i might be interested have your got a 4up power amp ? as i was think of using two 4ups and a 3up bridged i got to speak to colin again as i was all so looking at his own amps too but i still need a pre what ever why i go *smile* but i see you have the 3up on the bay*smile*
Sound is improving since yesterday evening. I guess the passive preamp needed a bit of breaking in too. I have a much wider soundstage now. Placing the speakers a few inches forward in the room cured the bass problem almost entirely. Still could do with a bit more control but I can say with certainty that this is one of the best amps I ever heard in casa 33RPM. So with the pre amp I can expect even more.

I saw the V 3.0 too, but as I'm not living in the UK that seemed to be a problem. I will be in London for a few days in a week or two though.

The best measure for great sound is not being able to stop to listen. Well: I'm there.

I'll try to borrow a pre amp from a friend tonight. I'll probably get another amp in for a bit of a bake off too.
Blacksabbath25 said:
winiar550 said:
I have one available for sale if someone is interested.
i might be interested have your got a 4up power amp ? as i was think of using two 4ups and a 3up bridged  i got to speak to colin again as i was all so looking at his own amps too but i still need a pre what ever why i go *smile* but i see you have the 3up on the bay*smile*

Go on BS Make an offer lol
Andrewjvt said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
winiar550 said:
I have one available for sale if someone is interested.
i might be interested have your got a 4up power amp ? as i was think of using two 4ups and a 3up bridged i got to speak to colin again as i was all so looking at his own amps too but i still need a pre what ever why i go *smile* but i see you have the 3up on the bay*smile*

Go on BS Make an offer lol
I was but changed my mind I was also thinking of getting one of Colin nord amps but changed my mind but I've been trying the Yamaha A-S2100 amplifier on home demo and to be honest I am very impressed with this amp the dealer as offered it to me for £850 it's a refurbished one but they are £2000 new its looks like brand new in black and it's a serious bit of kit a massive sound and it's heavier then the abrahamsen and very top quality of build is a lot more heavier I like its sound very much and it's actually better then the abrahamsen which took me by surprise it's got top quality TT stage on it so thinking of keeping it I got it for a week yet on home demo but I like it and my wife likes it too but also if I have any issues with it its only down the road from were I live which is a good thing too
Blacksabbath25 said:
Andrewjvt said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
winiar550 said:
I have one available for sale if someone is interested.
i might be interested have your got a 4up power amp ? as i was think of using two 4ups and a 3up bridged  i got to speak to colin again as i was all so looking at his own amps too but i still need a pre what ever why i go *smile* but i see you have the 3up on the bay*smile*

Go on BS Make an offer lol
I was but changed my mind I was also thinking of getting one of Colin nord amps but changed my mind but I've been trying the Yamaha A-S2100 amplifier on home demo and to be honest I am very impressed with this amp the dealer as offered it to me for £850 it's a refurbished one but they are £2000 new its looks like brand new in black and it's a serious bit of kit a massive sound and it's heavier then the abrahamsen and very top quality of build is a lot more heavier I like its sound very much and it's actually better then the abrahamsen which took me by surprise it's got top quality TT stage on it so thinking of keeping it I got it for a week yet on home demo but I like it and my wife likes it too but also if I have any issues with it its only down the road from were I live which is a good thing too 

Thats a good price as peter tyson have them for £1600 ish
Andrewjvt said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Andrewjvt said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
winiar550 said:
I have one available for sale if someone is interested.
i might be interested have your got a 4up power amp ? as i was think of using two 4ups and a 3up bridged i got to speak to colin again as i was all so looking at his own amps too but i still need a pre what ever why i go *smile* but i see you have the 3up on the bay*smile*

Go on BS Make an offer lol
I was but changed my mind I was also thinking of getting one of Colin nord amps but changed my mind but I've been trying the Yamaha A-S2100 amplifier on home demo and to be honest I am very impressed with this amp the dealer as offered it to me for £850 it's a refurbished one but they are £2000 new its looks like brand new in black and it's a serious bit of kit a massive sound and it's heavier then the abrahamsen and very top quality of build is a lot more heavier I like its sound very much and it's actually better then the abrahamsen which took me by surprise it's got top quality TT stage on it so thinking of keeping it I got it for a week yet on home demo but I like it and my wife likes it too but also if I have any issues with it its only down the road from were I live which is a good thing too

Thats a good price as peter tyson have them for £1600 ish
yes it is a very good price i guess it's because it's been refurbished but if you look at it its like new not a mark on it but I think it's a keeper it's got to be done it's very nise amp I just need to get hold of the CD player that goes with it they go for the same money £1800 - £1600 new I will have to ask him if he can get hold of a refurbished one . He got the flagship Yamaha S3000 + the matching cdplayer together they cost £7000 but a refurbished pair will cost you £4000 which is a bargain
Blacksabbath25 said:
Andrewjvt said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Andrewjvt said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
winiar550 said:
I have one available for sale if someone is interested.
i might be interested have your got a 4up power amp ? as i was think of using two 4ups and a 3up bridged  i got to speak to colin again as i was all so looking at his own amps too but i still need a pre what ever why i go *smile* but i see you have the 3up on the bay*smile*

Go on BS Make an offer lol
I was but changed my mind I was also thinking of getting one of Colin nord amps but changed my mind but I've been trying the Yamaha A-S2100 amplifier on home demo and to be honest I am very impressed with this amp the dealer as offered it to me for £850 it's a refurbished one but they are £2000 new its looks like brand new in black and it's a serious bit of kit a massive sound and it's heavier then the abrahamsen and very top quality of build is a lot more heavier I like its sound very much and it's actually better then the abrahamsen which took me by surprise it's got top quality TT stage on it so thinking of keeping it I got it for a week yet on home demo but I like it and my wife likes it too but also if I have any issues with it its only down the road from were I live which is a good thing too 

Thats a good price as peter tyson have them for £1600 ish
yes it is a very good price i guess it's because it's been refurbished but if you look at it its like new  not a mark on it but I think it's a keeper it's got to be done it's very nise amp I just need to get hold of the CD player that goes with it they go for the same money £1800 - £1600 new I will have to ask him if he can get hold of a refurbished one  . He got the flagship Yamaha S3000 + the matching cdplayer together they cost £7000 but a refurbished pair will cost you £4000 which is a bargain 

Does your amp have a built in dac?

If so try ripping cds to flac and compare before you spend such a lot. You may find it sounds very good.
But i know you love physical cd player rather than dac.
Blacksabbath25 said:
Andrewjvt said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
winiar550 said:
I have one available for sale if someone is interested.
i might be interested have your got a 4up power amp ? as i was think of using two 4ups and a 3up bridged i got to speak to colin again as i was all so looking at his own amps too but i still need a pre what ever why i go *smile* but i see you have the 3up on the bay*smile*

Go on BS Make an offer lol
I was but changed my mind I was also thinking of getting one of Colin nord amps but changed my mind but I've been trying the Yamaha A-S2100 amplifier on home demo and to be honest I am very impressed with this amp the dealer as offered it to me for £850 it's a refurbished one but they are £2000 new its looks like brand new in black and it's a serious bit of kit a massive sound and it's heavier then the abrahamsen and very top quality of build is a lot more heavier I like its sound very much and it's actually better then the abrahamsen which took me by surprise it's got top quality TT stage on it so thinking of keeping it I got it for a week yet on home demo but I like it and my wife likes it too but also if I have any issues with it its only down the road from were I live which is a good thing too

But I thought the Abrahamsen was the best amp under £2500? (As you have said many times). I know the abe is a good amp but always thought that the claim of being the best under £2500 or £3000 was unfounded. I mean, how many amps under £3000 have you actually heard. No offence, but I don't think people should make claims they can't back up.
Blacksabbath25 said:
I've been trying the Yamaha A-S2100 amplifier on home demo and to be honest I am very impressed with this amp the dealer as offered it to me for £850 it's a refurbished one but they are £2000 new its looks like brand new in black and it's a serious bit of kit a massive sound and it's heavier then the abrahamsen and very top quality of build is a lot more heavier I like its sound very much and it's actually better then the abrahamsen which took me by surprise it's got top quality TT stage on it so thinking of keeping it I got it for a week yet on home demo but I like it and my wife likes it too but also if I have any issues with it its only down the road from were I live which is a good thing too
Wow, that sounds like a real bargain. They are beauties and worth that all day long. Great find. If you care to divulge where, others might be grateful....?
Andrewjvt said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Andrewjvt said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Andrewjvt said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
winiar550 said:
I have one available for sale if someone is interested.
i might be interested have your got a 4up power amp ? as i was think of using two 4ups and a 3up bridged i got to speak to colin again as i was all so looking at his own amps too but i still need a pre what ever why i go *smile* but i see you have the 3up on the bay*smile*

Go on BS Make an offer lol
I was but changed my mind I was also thinking of getting one of Colin nord amps but changed my mind but I've been trying the Yamaha A-S2100 amplifier on home demo and to be honest I am very impressed with this amp the dealer as offered it to me for £850 it's a refurbished one but they are £2000 new its looks like brand new in black and it's a serious bit of kit a massive sound and it's heavier then the abrahamsen and very top quality of build is a lot more heavier I like its sound very much and it's actually better then the abrahamsen which took me by surprise it's got top quality TT stage on it so thinking of keeping it I got it for a week yet on home demo but I like it and my wife likes it too but also if I have any issues with it its only down the road from were I live which is a good thing too

Thats a good price as peter tyson have them for £1600 ish
yes it is a very good price i guess it's because it's been refurbished but if you look at it its like new not a mark on it but I think it's a keeper it's got to be done it's very nise amp I just need to get hold of the CD player that goes with it they go for the same money £1800 - £1600 new I will have to ask him if he can get hold of a refurbished one . He got the flagship Yamaha S3000 + the matching cdplayer together they cost £7000 but a refurbished pair will cost you £4000 which is a bargain

Does your amp have a built in dac?

If so try ripping cds to flac and compare before you spend such a lot. You may find it sounds very good. But i know you love physical cd player rather than dac.
no the Yamaha has not got a built in dac nor the abrahamsen I have to use the arcam irdac or the dac inside the marantz scad player but Yamaha do a separate streaming separate if I wanted to go that why but to be honest I just use my iPhone and plug it into the back of the arcam ir dac and listen to anything I have brought of iTunes that all I do and CDs which I like but the good thing about the Yamaha is that it has both MM -MC for the TT when I buy one as I've been looking around on the net and the reviews on this amp say it has a top TT stage built inside so that's a good thing to have . This Yamaha has the most weirdest thing I've seen on a amp it has this feet that you can turn and spikes come out and then level the amp out on spikes crazy !
radiorog said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Andrewjvt said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
winiar550 said:
I have one available for sale if someone is interested.
i might be interested have your got a 4up power amp ? as i was think of using two 4ups and a 3up bridged i got to speak to colin again as i was all so looking at his own amps too but i still need a pre what ever why i go *smile* but i see you have the 3up on the bay*smile*

Go on BS Make an offer lol
I was but changed my mind I was also thinking of getting one of Colin nord amps but changed my mind but I've been trying the Yamaha A-S2100 amplifier on home demo and to be honest I am very impressed with this amp the dealer as offered it to me for £850 it's a refurbished one but they are £2000 new its looks like brand new in black and it's a serious bit of kit a massive sound and it's heavier then the abrahamsen and very top quality of build is a lot more heavier I like its sound very much and it's actually better then the abrahamsen which took me by surprise it's got top quality TT stage on it so thinking of keeping it I got it for a week yet on home demo but I like it and my wife likes it too but also if I have any issues with it its only down the road from were I live which is a good thing too

But I thought the Abrahamsen was the best amp under £2500? (As you have said many times). I know the abe is a good amp but always thought that the claim of being the best under £2500 or £3000 was unfounded. I mean, how many amps under £3000 have you actually heard. No offence, but I don't think people should make claims they can't back up.
I stand by what I have said in the past the abrahamsen is a good amp for the money but I can not keep still for long you all no me . the Yamaha is a good price ! And I want to go back to main stream branded Hifi and if I have any issues its a local Hifi shop
nopiano said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
I've been trying the Yamaha A-S2100 amplifier on home demo and to be honest I am very impressed with this amp the dealer as offered it to me for £850 it's a refurbished one but they are £2000 new its looks like brand new in black and it's a serious bit of kit a massive sound and it's heavier then the abrahamsen and very top quality of build is a lot more heavier I like its sound very much and it's actually better then the abrahamsen which took me by surprise it's got top quality TT stage on it so thinking of keeping it I got it for a week yet on home demo but I like it and my wife likes it too but also if I have any issues with it its only down the road from were I live which is a good thing too
Wow, that sounds like a real bargain. They are beauties and worth that all day long. Great find. If you care to divulge where, others might be grateful....?
it was the only one he had but he has a refurbished Yamaha S3000 + matching cdplayer for £4000 that's a good deal
Blacksabbath25 said:
nopiano said:
Blacksabbath25 said:

I've been trying the Yamaha A-S2100 amplifier on home demo and to be honest I am very impressed with this amp the dealer as offered it to me for £850 it's a refurbished one but they are £2000 new its looks like brand new in black and it's a serious bit of kit a massive sound and it's heavier then the abrahamsen and very top quality of build is a lot more heavier I like its sound very much and it's actually better then the abrahamsen which took me by surprise it's got top quality TT stage on it so thinking of keeping it I got it for a week yet on home demo but I like it and my wife likes it too but also if I have any issues with it its only down the road from were I live which is a good thing too 
Wow, that sounds like a real bargain.  They are beauties and worth that all day long.  Great find.  If you care to divulge where, others might be grateful....?
it was the only one he had but he has a refurbished Yamaha S3000 + matching cdplayer for £4000 that's a good deal 

Haha but in a few months tou will want more again so why not get the s3000 and job done for good
Blacksabbath25 said:
nopiano said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
I've been trying the Yamaha A-S2100 amplifier on home demo and to be honest I am very impressed with this amp the dealer as offered it to me for £850 it's a refurbished one but they are £2000 new its looks like brand new in black and it's a serious bit of kit a massive sound and it's heavier then the abrahamsen and very top quality of build is a lot more heavier I like its sound very much and it's actually better then the abrahamsen which took me by surprise it's got top quality TT stage on it so thinking of keeping it I got it for a week yet on home demo but I like it and my wife likes it too but also if I have any issues with it its only down the road from were I live which is a good thing too
Wow, that sounds like a real bargain. They are beauties and worth that all day long. Great find. If you care to divulge where, others might be grateful....?
it was the only one he had but he has a refurbished Yamaha S3000 + matching cdplayer for £4000 that's a good deal
Ok, so who is it? 🙂
nopiano said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
nopiano said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
I've been trying the Yamaha A-S2100 amplifier on home demo and to be honest I am very impressed with this amp the dealer as offered it to me for £850 it's a refurbished one but they are £2000 new its looks like brand new in black and it's a serious bit of kit a massive sound and it's heavier then the abrahamsen and very top quality of build is a lot more heavier I like its sound very much and it's actually better then the abrahamsen which took me by surprise it's got top quality TT stage on it so thinking of keeping it I got it for a week yet on home demo but I like it and my wife likes it too but also if I have any issues with it its only down the road from were I live which is a good thing too
Wow, that sounds like a real bargain. They are beauties and worth that all day long. Great find. If you care to divulge where, others might be grateful....?
it was the only one he had but he has a refurbished Yamaha S3000 + matching cdplayer for £4000 that's a good deal
Ok, so who is it? 🙂
AN audio st Neots Cambridgeshire


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