About turn to simplicity


Jun 30, 2024
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As an avid hi-fi entusiast I am going to dip my toe into the active/passive conversation. As I am always on the lookout for simplicity, I am considering switching from current 2 box Naim Uniti Atom/Core/Kef LS50 streaming setup to an active powered streaming speaker - Kef LS50 Wireless 2 or LS60 series. Has anyone made the switch in this manner?


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Aug 10, 2021
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I'd go Acoustic energy ae1 active with a small form factor pre-amp /streamer....very good indeed....I can't say I've switched...but I have the Acoustic Energy as a second system in my small summer house, that reminds me..I really need to turn the bass down a tad.
I didn't fancy the kef route...I had a dem a few years ago and wasn't really that impressed, plus I like to keep the Streamer /dac section separated from the active part of the speakers....it makes sense this way as dac and streaming technology moves so fast and your streaming active speakers could become obsolete quicker than you'd be willing to shell out for again.
Also, I should add I had Naim nait xs /pmc 2021 speakers when I demd the kefs, ls wireless mki, they didn't really come close to the separates.....but maybe the newer gen might be better.....but as I mentioned, I prefer to keep the streaming part separated from the amp section.
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Why are you considering changing?

A number of years ago I switched from a traditional set-up to AVI ADM 9.1 active speakers. That system served me well for at least 10 years.

I have switched back to a traditional system now (for a number of reasons) but one of them was that AVI are no longer in business so if the speakers ever failed I would have no easy way to get them fixed.

Just something to consider when putting all your eggs in one basket. I certainly do not see KEF shutting up shop, but IF the speakers failed in 5 years, will they still have the parts to fix them? (I was reminded of this type of issue recently when someone posted that Denon no longer stocked parts to fix their (not long) discontinued HS2 amp).

Having said that, the KEF LS50/60 wireless do sound great, as do the Acoustic Energy actives.


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I just switched from Marantz receiver, Focal speakers, to Kef LS50 wireless ii.
Love these speakers, bass is great, love the looks as well.
Have you seen the new Triangle Capellas, they look like they might challenge the KEFs.
Happy with mine though.