a hole in my hark needs plugging!

Dec 1, 2014
Hi Folks

I had 2 Cyrus II amps modded to be mono, running a pair of Mission Argonauts and a Cyrus cd 6s. The amps and speakers are/where old, I had them from about 1990 ish, the cd player more recent, maybe 6-8 years. Anyways, always loved the sound of those amps/speakers.

Back when I bought the amps (1 to start with) they where the amp of choice for the money, about 300 quid back then I think, no internet back then but magazines/freinds raved about them. I never studied the hifi stuff much, just bought them, loved them.

Just recently I thought I would have a renew, monoblocked meant having to turn 2 volume nobs and no remote meant having to stand up to do so, I'm a bit like Homer, so this was tedious, plus they looked old, paint coming off, speakers looking a bit dated etc. So I stuck the amp and speakers on eBay (got 250 quid for them) and bought an ex dem pair of B&W 683 S2's (based on reviews plus similar size to the argonauts) plus a second hand Cyrus 8 xpd (based on how much I loved my old Cyrus amps) A couple of hifi shops insisted this was a poor match, but I listened and I thought it sounded pretty good? !

So, my hifi stand now has a hole in it. I want it plugged, but based on the 8 xpd, do I go for a psx power supply or an x power? Am I right in thinking the psx does not give extra power (watts) also, I worry that x power amp is different to 8 xpd, so low frequencies will be getting better amplification than high (or vice versa). Am I being stupid? (I regularly get let down on that last question)

Any thoughts much appreciated



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