A bit confused over viewing distances


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi, I'm on the verge of buying a shiny new tv to replace a 28in CRT but struggling to convince myself of the ideal size to go for?

The room is about 4m x 2.7m & whilst I can get nearly 3m away from the screen, i normally end up more like 1.5m, if not closer! Looking at the latest mag, this would appear to recommend a 26in but is bigger better? i'm even considering the Panny 37in plasma!

I've stood in the shops (several times) looking at the 32 inchers & these look ample but I get the impression that there is a common concensus that I'll regret not going one size up?

i was thinking of plumping for the highly recommended KDL-32W4000 or TX-32LZD85. It would be fed by BT Vision (not HD?) & a PS3 which is also on the shopping list (what credit crunch?!) - anyone else have a similar set-up or a view on if this would work well?

Thanks in advance
You're possibly missing the point of so-called 'recommended viewing distances' and that is primarily that the perceived picture quality changes as you move closer or further away from the tv.

You need to return to the shops and stand your usual distance from the tv's ensuring that they're showing a regular standard definition program BBC1 etc. You should find that the smaller screens appear to give a much sharper picture, especially with moving images, than the larger ones where the picture can become quite fuzzy and 'pixelated'. This should help you find the best size for your viewing distance and dare I say your own eyesight. Also bear in mind that different makes of tv will inevitably be better than others and the subsequent improvement in picture quality may allow for a bigger size of screen.

Of course the final decision is yours alone and don't forget that most other sources DVD etc will be sharper than a broadcast picture which again could allow for a bigger screen. Just be careful to remember what you're likely to be watching most of the time.
I sit about 3m away from a 42 inch and it's fine. If I move closer the picture can break up a little.

1.5-2 metres with HD is fine (blu-ray and Sky HD, better with the former) with 1080 TV (sony 40W4500), standard definition requires double for SD before they look 'normal'. These distances are obviously TV specific.
Personal taste as my room is simular size and I have a 50"" 1080p Plaz. Admitidly I dont use the Freeview tuner as have SkyHD but even SD pictures look good but this does depend on certain channels (ITV 4 being quite pants!)


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