5 metre digital coaxial cable - suggestions?


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2015
Hi all,

I need to make a longish (5 metre) run between a streamer and a DAC. I have the option of coaxial or optical and I'm thinking coaxial will be best. Am I right on this? If so, does anyone have any good suggestions of cables I should look at. Budget is up to £40 - though always happy to spend less!


here's one well within your budget and it looks pretty funky also.


almost £95 off list price, bargain of the year so far.

Thanks Macdiddy, that is a beaut of a cable! Are IBRA well thought of? What makes optical better over distance?
They all do the same thing so I don't think you'll need to spend 40


My preference would be optical - as this will ensure electrical isolation between equipment - the link following provides the specification for S/PDIF :


Distance is 10m for both coaxial and optical fibre.

They are very cheap from Amazon, and you do not need to spend more than £10 for a plastic optical connection - 5metres allows for another 5metres margin due to attenuation of signal.

You could purchase glass based optical fibre - and they are expensive £27.93 :
Profigold 5m Super High Performance Fiber Optic Digital Audio TOSLINK Interconnect Cable
From Amazon UK - so if you want to spend money, then at least purchase glass fibre and NOT plastic fibre.


Optical is probably better over longer runs as there will be far less signal attenuation.

Either buy a good retail readymade, or enquire at your local hi-fi shoppe to see if the can make up a cable for you.
Thanks everyone - I went for a £12 optical cable in the end. Should arrive soon.

Much appreciated.



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